新斯科舍省提名申请人申请表NSNP 100 (NSNP Nova Scotia Nominee Program NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant) - 飞出国
NS 100表格是申请NS省提名的申请人需要填写的表格,NS省提名下4个项目,均使用此申请表。
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第一页 - 飞出国
Section A – 申请类别(Nova Scotia Nominee Program Stream) - 飞出国
- 技术工人类别(Skilled Worker)
- 新省紧缺职业EE类别(Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry)
- 依亲类别(Family Business Worker)
- 新省经验类EE类别(Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry)
Section B – 个人信息(Personal Information) - 飞出国
- 姓 Family name (exactly as on passport/travel document):
- 名 Given name (exactly as on passport/travel document):
- 出生日期 Date of birth (dd/mm/year):
- 出生国家 Country of birth:
- 公民身份国家 Citizenship(s):
- 母语填写主申全名 Principal applicant’s full name in native language:
- 是否有曾用名Have you ever used any other name (e.g., maiden name, alias, nickname)?
- 如果有曾用名,提供 If yes to the above question, provide the names:
- 曾用姓 Family name(s)
- 曾用名 Given name(s)
- 性别 Gender:Male Female
- 是否有护照Do you have a valid passport/travel document? Yes No
- 护照号 Passport/Travel document number (exactly as shown on your passport or travel document):
- 护照签发国家 Issuing Country:
- 护照到期日Expiry date (dd/mm/year):
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第二页 - 飞出国
- 当前居住国 Current country of residence:
- 如果当前居住在加拿大身份是:临时工人或者学生或者访问者 If currently in Canada, what is your status? Temporary Foreign Worker ,student, Visitor
- 工作许可,学习许可或者临时居留签证到期日 Expiry date of your work permit, study permit or temporary resident visa (dd/mm/year):
- 如果许可或签证已经过期或者即将过期,你打算何时申请新的? If your permit or visa has expired or is about to expire, when did you apply for a new one?(dd/mm/year): Not applicable
联系方式 CONTACT INFORMATION (提供个人信息,不要提供移民代理、顾问或者律师的联系方式)(Your personal information, do not provide contact information for a representative, consultant, or lawyer):
- 邮箱 Email address:(By providing an email address, you authorize the NSNP to release information about you and your dependents to this address.)
电话 Telephone number(s):
- 手机号码 Mobile (Country code) Number
- 家庭电话 Home (Country code) Number
- 公司电话 Work (Country code) Number
邮寄地址 Mailing Address
- street address
- city, town or village
- province, state or district
- country
- postal code
Residential Address:居住地址,如果与邮寄地址相同,选YES。如果不同,提供详细的地址和邮编。
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第三页 - 飞出国
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第四 - 飞出国
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第五、第六页 - 飞出国
You must provide the following details about each of your family members, whether they will accompany you to Nova Scotia or not. Family members include your spouse or common-law partner, all of your dependent children and those of your spouse or common-law partner who are not already permanent residents or citizens of Canada.
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第七页 - 飞出国
Section C – General Information:
Assistance in completing the application:是否使用代理,如果是,代理的种类及姓名(lawyer、Employer、 Immigration consultant,other)
*Note: An authorized, paid immigration representative must be a member in good standing of either the Immigration Consultants of Canada
Regulatory Council (ICCRC), a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, or the Chambre des notaires du Québec. For more information on
immigration representatives and who may represent you, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/representative/rep-who.asp
How did you learn about the Nova Scotia Nominee Program? 如何了解NS项目
Nova Scotia promotion material, Immigration Agent, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration Website ,Friend, Visa Office ,Employer, Immigration job fair or event overseas (specify place and date), Other (specify):
Section D – Application History
Federal Expression of Interest :如果注册ee,提供EE Profile Number和Job Seeker Validation Code。
Federal Application :随行的家庭成员中如果有人曾经申请过加拿大移民,提供:申请人的名字,CIC FN号,申请时间,申请结果及打算定居的省。
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第八页 - 飞出国
Provincial Application :随行的家庭成员中如果有人曾经申请过加拿大省提名项目,提供:申请人的全名,申请的州,FN号,申请时间及结果。
Section E – Language:
- Proof of language test must be attached for all Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry applicants and for any applicant with a job offer at the NOC C or NOC D skill level. (Results of their official English language proficiency test (CELPIP – General or IELTS General Training) OR their official French language proficiency test (TEF))
- If your first language is not English or French, you need to demonstrate that you can communicate well in English or in French in familiar social and work situations. Attach relevant documentation as per the application guide (e.g., language tests, primary language of communication at work or at school).
Spouse or common-law partner’s language ability:
If you are a Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry applicant, and you are claiming adaptability points for your spouse or commonlaw partner’s language proficiency, you must include, with your application to Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, the results of their official English language proficiency test (CELPIP – General or IELTS – General Training) OR their official French language
proficiency test (TEF).
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第九、十页- 飞出国
Section F – Nova Scotia or Other Canadian Connections
Do you or your spouse or common-law partner have relatives (including, dependent children, mother, father, brothers, sisters,aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, niece, nephew) living in Nova Scotia or elsewhere in Canada?
If yes, provide details below of all your relatives living in Canada. NOTE: If you are applying under the Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry stream, you must provide proof of relationship, proof of relative’s status and proof of relative’s residency.(Adaptability points provided only for relatives 18 years or older on date of application who are Canadians or permanent residents living in Nova Scotia.)
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十一页 - 飞出国
Have you or your spouse or common-law partner, or dependent children lived in or visited Nova Scotia or elsewhere in Canada in the last 10 years?
Has your spouse or common-law partner worked in Nova Scotia?
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十二页 - 飞出国
Section G – Education:教育信息
Give full details of all the secondary and post-secondary education (including university, college and apprenticeship training) you have had:
Have you received a scholarship or award that requires you to return to your home country following the completion of your degree? 是否收到过奖学金,要求你学习完成后回国。
If yes, have you satisfied the terms of this scholarship or award? 如果是,是否履行了。
Has your spouse or common-law partner studied in a Nova Scotia secondary or post-secondary institution full time for two years or more? 配偶有没有在NS省中学或大学完成了2年的学习。
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十三页 - 飞出国
Section H – Employment
主申如果没有NS工作offer: 如果申请人申请的NS项目不需要雇主offer,提供打算从事的职位,NOC代码。
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十四页 - 飞出国
Personal History :提供主申18岁之后的,或者近5年的个人履历,哪个最近,已哪个为准。提供:活动起止日期,活动,城市国家,公司或学校名称。
Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 5 years, whichever is most recent. Start with the most recent information. Under “Activity”, write your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, provide information on what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, retired, in detention).
NOTE: Do not leave any gaps in time. Even a gap of one month will result in a delay in the processing of your application.
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十五页 - 飞出国
Section I – Settlement
In your own words, tell us briefly about your plans to settle in Nova Scotia and your future here. Statements copied from someone or somewhere else are not acceptable.
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十六页 - 飞出国
Section J – Financial Information
This section is not required for applicants to the Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry stream.
You must present the most up-to-date financial documents to support all of the information provided in this section. Provide information about all liquid assets and all liabilities for the Principal Applicant and spouse or common-law partner. You may be asked to provide updated financial information prior to a decision being made on your application.
A. Unencumbered Funds Available for Settlement
In order to successfully settle in Nova Scotia, you must have sufficient settlement supports and financial resources. Considering the liquid assets and liabilities listed below, indicate the amount of unencumbered transferable and available funds you have, in Canadian dollars, which will be available for your settlement needs.
B. Liquid Assets
List all assets separately by institution, account number, and full name(s) associated with each account. Show value in Canadian dollars and original currency. List only unencumbered funds, meaning readily transferable liquid assets such as cash in the bank, guaranteed investment certificates or similar financial instruments that can be cashed easily. Do not include the value of real estate or jewellery, furniture, vehicles and other personal assets. Use extra paper if necessary.
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十七页 - 飞出国
C. Liabilities (all debts)
List all liabilities separately by institution, account number and full name(s) associated with each account. Show value in Canadian dollars and original currency. Include mortgages (principal and interest owed), bank loans, personal loans, lines of credit and credit card balances.
Alimony and child support :赡养费和子女抚养费。
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第十八至二十一页 - 飞出国
Section K – Documents Checklist
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第二十二页 - 飞出国
**Section L – Authority to Collect and Disclose Information **
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第二十三页 - 飞出国
Section M – Declaration :
NSNP 100 – Application Form for the Principal Applicant 第二十四页 - 飞出国
新斯科舍省提名申请人申请表NSNP 100官网(2015年5月更新): https://novascotiaimmigration.com/wp-content/uploads/NSNP-100-12May2015-English.pdf