纽芬兰省提名技术工人类别 NLPNP Skilled Worker

飞出国:NLPNP 技术工人类别适合获得 NL 雇主 offer 或已经在 NL 持工作许可合法工作的申请人。


  • 拥有纽省雇主的全职工作邀请,或者是有薪资补偿和满足省用人标准与现行工资率的福利套餐的工作或工作邀请;
  • 拥有加拿大公民或移民工作许可或者有权申请;
  • 拥有工作所需的资格证书、培训、技能或认可;
  • 可以证明其在加拿大永久居住的目的与能力;
  • 拥有一份不违反现行谈判单位合同或任何劳务纠纷的工作或工作邀请;
  • 提名申请者证明自己有足够的资金和财力在纽芬兰安置其家属;
  • 提名申请者的雇主或未来雇主能够证明其对申请者的技能的需求;
  • 提名申请者能够证明自己拥有良好的英语或法语语言能力来完成其工作职责。申请者的英语语言能力必须通过以下检测中的任意一项:
    • 来自提供申请者全职工作的纽省雇主的英语语言能力证明书;
    • 教育或培训证明文件;
    • 在加拿大国家职业分类代码表中,C和D类职业的技术移民需要满足最低语言要求。

不符合 NLPNP SKILLED WORKER 技术移民提名要求的申请人

  • 未能成功申请难民的人员或居住在纽芬兰的难民身份申请者;
  • 没有纽省雇主的全职工作邀请(除非雇主能够证明其对提名申请者的技能的需求);
  • 提名申请者或其成年家属(无论是否跟随他们)有犯罪记录;
  • 提名申请者有未解决的子女监护或抚养纠纷。在申请者准备进行移民之前,必须要将这些问题解决;
  • 提名申请者在其申请中没有如实陈述自身情况;
  • 雇主没有如实陈述他们或申请者在企业中的地位与职责。




  • 第一步:认真阅读申请指南
  • 第二步:下载并完成所需表格的填写
  • 第三步:按照材料清单准备所需材料及其复印件
  • 第四步:认真检查所完成的表格填写及准备的材料,确保准确无误
  • 第五步:准备250加拿大元的费用,以支票或银行汇票的方式支付给纽芬兰省财政部
  • 第六步:将材料邮寄至以下地址:

Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism
Advanced Education and Skills
100 Prince Phillip Drive
Confederation Building, West Block, Basement Floor
P.o. Box8700, St. John’s, Nwefoundland A1B 4J6


  • 如果申请者在2012年1月8日获得提名,但未在获得提名之日起的6个月内申请永久居住权,那么申请者将会失去提名地位。再次获得提名需要提交一份新的申请。
  • 如果申请者持有研究生工作许可,则应申请国际留学生类提名。
  • 如果申请者目前在纽省工作,需提交证明材料原件的复印件;如果申请者目前未在纽省境内,则需提交经公证的复印件。
  • 申请者需确保其护照、签证均在有效期内。
  • 申请者可能需要接受提名官的面试。
  • 申请者需确保其纽省提名申请中包含联邦表格。如果被提名,联邦表格会被退还给,申请者需将其与移民申请一起提交。
  • 如果在申请过程中有任何疑问,请联系:

飞出国:NLPNP 技术工人类别适合获得 NL 雇主 offer 或已经在 NL 持工作许可合法工作的申请人。

This NLPNP Skilled Worker category is for individuals who have a guaranteed offer of employment from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer, or are already working in the province on a valid Work Permit.

NLPNP 申请条件:

NLPNP Skilled Worker

The NLPNP Skilled Worker category exists to nominate individuals who have specialized skills that are deemed as having a critical impact on the operations of an employer in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Who is eligible for the Skilled Worker category?

You are eligible for the Skilled Worker category if you:

  • Have a full-time job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer, or a job or job offer that has compensation in the form of a salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates;
  • Have an Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Work Permit or is entitled to apply for one; Work permits that are submitted with the PNP application must have duration of six months remaining prior to expiry date.
  • Have the qualifications, training, skills, and/or accreditation required for the job;
  • Can demonstrate the intention and ability to settle permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Have a job or job offer that does not contravene existing bargaining unit agreements or any employment disputes;
  • Can demonstrate that you have sufficient settlement funds and financial resources to successfully establish yourself and any dependents in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Your employer (or future employer) can demonstrate a need for your skill set; and
  • Can demonstrate sufficient English or French language capability to perform the employment duties. Your English language ability must be verified by one of the following:
    • An Affidavit of English Language Ability from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer who has offered you a full-time job; or
    • Education and/or training documents
    • Occupations classified in NOC Code C or D will have to meet Minimum Language Requirements

飞出国 2016年5月版 NLPNP 技术工人类别移民指南:nlpnp_skilled_worker_guide-20160501-flyabroad.pdf (516.6 KB)。

NLPNP 技术工人类别申请条件 飞出国 2018

飞出国:NLPNP 技术工人类别的核心是 NL 1年以上全职雇主 offer,要求申请人有1年相关工作经验,且有相关的学历,培训,技能或认证来满足工作要求,NOC C,D 类职业也可以申请。



The NLPNP Skilled Worker category exists to nominate individuals who have specialized skills that are deemed as having a critical impact on the operations of an employer in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Who is eligible for the Skilled Worker category?

You are eligible for the Skilled Worker category if you:

  • Have a full-time job offer of indeterminate length from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer or a job or job offer that has compensation in the form of a salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates; Contractual or locum positions (short-term positions usually less than twelve (12) months in duration with little or no possibility of extension) are not eligible for the NLPNP.
  • Have an Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Work Permit or is entitled to apply for one; Work permits that are submitted with the PNP application must have duration of six months remaining prior to expiry date.
  • Have the qualifications, training, skills, and/or accreditation required for the job;
  • Can demonstrate the intention and ability to settle permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Have a job or job offer that does not contravene existing bargaining unit agreements or any employment disputes;
  • Can demonstrate that you have sufficient settlement funds and financial resources to successfully establish yourself and any dependents in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Your employer (or future employer) can demonstrate a need for your skill set; and
  • Can demonstrate sufficient English or French language capability to perform the employment duties. Your English language ability must be verified by one of the following:
    • An Affidavit of English Language Ability from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer who has offered you a full-time job; or
    • Education and/or training documents
    • Occupations classified in NOC Code C or D will have to meet Minimum Language Requirements

Who is not eligible for the Skilled Worker category?

You are not eligible for the Skilled Worker category if:

  • You are a failed refugee claimant or a refugee claimant living in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • You do not have a full-time job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer (unless your employer can demonstrate a need for your skill set).
  • You or any dependent family member over the age of 22 (whether or not they are accompanying them) have a criminal record;
  • You have unresolved custody or child support disputes. You must have these issues resolved before starting the immigration process
  • You have intentionally misrepresented yourself in the application; or
  • If the employer has intentionally misrepresented themselves or you in relation to their, or your, role in business
  • Note: If you lose or quit your job during the nomination process, you may lose your eligiblity and your nomination and/or Permanent Residency application may be cancelled. If you are experiencing issues with your employment, contact your PNP Officer immediately.
  • Note: Any activity potentially constituting fraud will be investigated and may result in criminal proceedings.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
