新西兰随行子女年龄 - New Zealand Dependent children

新西兰随行子女年龄要求 - 飞出国


新西兰移民签证随行子女要求 - 飞出国

新西兰移民申请一般可以认为 24 周岁内都可以带着一起移民,超过 21 周岁的只需要未婚且在读书就可以。

  • 17周岁及之内的只要未婚都符合
  • 18-20周岁的需要单身且没有子女(非婚生子女或虽离过婚但有婚生子女)
  • 21-24周岁要求单身,没有自己的子女且依赖于父母的经济支持

新西兰临时签证随行子女要求 - 飞出国


  • 17 周岁及之内的要求单身且经济上依赖于父母
  • 18-19 周岁要求单身,没有自己的子女且经济上依赖于父母

Dependent children - New Zealand

If children are single, financially dependent and the right age, they can be included in their parent’s visa application. Or they may be able to apply for a visa based on their relationship to their parent, if their parent already has or is applying for a visa, or is a New Zealand citizen.

Dependent children may be included in your visa application, or apply for a visa based on their relationship to you as their parent.

We only consider children who are single to be dependent, but other rules apply too.

Different rules apply to who is considered a dependent child depending on whether you are applying for:

  • a temporary visa, like a visitor or student visa
  • a resident visa.

Dependent children aren’t eligible for work visas.

Resident visas

If your child is aged… we’ll consider your child is dependent if they…
17 or under * are single
18 – 20 * are single
* don’t have any children of their own
21 – 24 * are single
* don’t have any children of their own
* rely on an adult for financial support

If your children don’t meet the criteria for dependent children, they may still be able to join you in New Zealand if each child applies for a visa in his or her own right.

Temporary visas

If your child is aged… we’ll consider your child is dependent if they…
17 or younger * are single
* rely on you and/or your partner for financial support
18 or 19 * are single
* don’t have any children of their own
* rely on you and/or your partner for financial support

Children aged 20 and over aren’t eligible to be included in their parents’ visitor visa applications or to apply for a visitor or student visa based on their relationship to their parents. But they still may be able to join you in New Zealand if each child applies for a visa in his or her own right.

Financial support

When we assess if child relies on an adult for financial, we’ll look at whether:

  • the child is working, how many hours they work and for how long they’ve been working
  • the child has any other independent means of financial support
  • the child is living with his or her parents or another family member, and how much support is provided
  • the child is studying, and whether the study is full-time or part-time.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
