新不伦瑞克社区学院留学生学习费用 NBCC-International Tuition and Fees

新不伦瑞克社区学院 New Brunswick Community College (NBCC)(NB省福雷德克里顿市) 继续讨论:

新不伦瑞克社区学院留学生学习费用 NBCC-International Tuition and Fees

费用类别 Type 金额(加币) Amount($)
学费 Tuition 2016-2017:7875加币;2017-2018:8521加币;2018-2019:9360加币
申请费 Application Fee 100加币(可申请1或2个教育项目),费用不退还。 $100 for a selection of 1 or 2 programs (non-refundable)
学生费 Student Fee 每年80加币,不退还。 $80 per year (non-refundable)
健康保险费 Health Insurance Fee 600加币
技术与学习 Techonlogy & Learning 300加币
教材费 Books/Materials 至少500加币,具体费用由所申请的项目决定。 Starting at $500 (costs vary depending on program)
入学确认费 Confirmation 500加币,不退还。有效期为6月15日前入学的30天内。 $500 non-refundable, due within 30 days of acceptances made prior to June 15th

注:以上费用只是大概数值,可能还会有变化。Tuition subject to change at any time。


  • 1:500加币(入学30天内缴纳确认费)
  • 2:3437.50加币(注册费)
  • 3:3937.50加币(第二学期开学时缴纳)


  • 学费:可退还,去学校学生服务处填写相应退还表格。
  • 入学确认费:如果是由于加拿大移民局拒绝您入境的话,该费用退还。如果您的学习许可/签证申请被拒绝了,我们会将您的500加币确认费转入下一学年(只能转一次)。以邮件形式(international@nbcc.ca)向国际留学生招生处主任提交退款申请。必须提供加拿大移民局的拒签信作为证明。

Tuition can be paid in full at the time of registration, or divided into three payments.

  • Payment 1: $500 (confirmation fee due within 30 days of acceptance)
  • Payment 2: $3,437.50 (due at registration)
  • Payment 3: $3,937.50 (due at the start of 2nd semester)


  • Tuition: Students who have paid tuition and are registered in a program may request a refund. Refund forms are available from Student Services at the campus where the student is registered.
  • Confirmation fee: $500 is refundable if Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Canadian Embassy) refuses entry to Canada. If the applicant’s Canadian study permit/visa application is refused, the $500 confirmation fee may be transferred to the next academic year (one time only). To obtain a refund, applicants must send a written request to the International Admissions officer by email at international@nbcc.ca. Please note the refusal letter addressed to the applicant from Citizenship and Immigration Canada must be included in the refund request.

Website: NBCC (New Brunswick Community College)

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