NAATI 澳洲社区语言加分
澳洲 NAATI 除了负责翻译和口译人员的移民职业评估,同时还被指定为社区语言加分评估机构(Credentialed Community Language points)。申请人要想获得社区语言加分,必须被NAATI评估为 准专业水平或更高 (NAATI accreditation at the Paraprofessional level or above)。
一、NAATI 认证途径 (Pathways of NAATI Accreditation) 及对应的指南
- A. 参加 NAATI 认证考试;
- B. 在NAATI 认可的澳洲学校完成笔译或口译课程的学习;
- C. 提供海外口译和笔译专业的学历证明;
- D. 认可的国籍笔译或口译专业协会会员身份证明;
- E. 出众的笔译和口译能力证明。
A. passing a NAATI accreditation test (Booklet A – Accreditation by Testing )
B. successful completion of a course of studies in translation and/or interpreting at an Australian institution as approved by NAATI(Booklet B – Accreditation by Approved Australian Course)
C. providing evidence of a specialised tertiary qualification in translation and/or interpreting obtained from an educational institution overseas (Booklet C - Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association Membership or Advanced Standing )
D. providing evidence of a membership of a recognised international translating and/or interpreting professional association (Booklet C - Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association Membership or Advanced Standing )
E. providing evidence of advanced standing in translating or interpreting (Booklet C - Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association Membership or Advanced Standing)
NAATI 认证水平,对应的用途以及可以选择的认证路径
翻译和口译人员,均有4个认证级别,从低到高分别为: 准专业水平,专业水平,高级笔译和会议口译,以及资深笔译和资深会议口译。
NAATI 认证水平有语言限制:
- 准专业口译,专业口译和专业笔译:全世界60多种语言都可以认证;
- 准专业笔译:只有 亚美尼亚语,亚述语,丁卡语,努尔语,奥罗莫语,普什图语斯瓦希里语、提格里尼亚语可以认证。
- Paraprofessional Interpreter - Most of the 60 languages tested
- Paraprofessional Translator - Limited to Armenian, Assyrian, Dinka, Nuer, Oromo, Pushto, Swahili, Tigrinya
- Professional Interpreter/Translator - Most of the 60 languages tested
二、NAATI 准专业水平和专业水平之间的区别
The Paraprofessional level is an entry level. The Paraprofessional Interpreter test, for example, assesses a level of competence at general conversational, non-specialist level.
The Professional level is the level recommended for professional work. The Professional Translator test, for example, assesses a level of competence for a wider range of subjects, such as banking, law, science, health, culture or technology, aimed at the non-specialist reader.
三、关于 NAATI 考试 - NAATI AccreditationTest
1. 如何申请 NAATI 考试
下载申请表,支付费用。将申请表、费用支付证明、相关材料和你的照片,可以直接寄给 NAATI 在堪培拉的办公室,或者直接去各州办公室当面申请。
费用: 第一次申请,需要交申请费和考试费,以后再次申请时只需交考试费即可。
2. NAATI 考试日期选择
3. 如何准备 NAATI 考试:
NAATI 售卖考试样题,提供短期培训和在线课程。(sell sample test kits and conduct short and .)
**考试样题:**申请人如果打算购买需要填写表格: Test Preparation Products order form
在线课程: online courses
短期培训: 查看各州的培训情况 workshops
NAATI primarily conducts tests for people who want to work as translators or interpreters. We are not an educational institution and assume that people applying for the test will have done their own preparation. We do, however, sell sample test kits and conduct short workshops and online courses.
Sample test kits
These include sample translation passages or interpreting dialogues (depending on which test kit you buy) to help you test yourself. The kits will also give you an idea about thetest format. To buy a sample test kit you’ll need to fill in the Test Preparation Products order form.
The workshops are short and will help you prepare for testing. For more information, see the workshop brochure for your nearest State Office.
1. 准专业口译考试(普通话考试除外):
1. Test level:Paraprofessional Interpreter [For all languages except Mandarin. For Mandarin, please see the Chinese and Mandarin Accreditation Testing section in the Accreditation by Testing Information Booklet.]
**Oral component?:**Yes. All oral。 Format: Two conversations between an English speaker and a speaker of the other language. You act as the interpreter in the dialogue (that is, when someone speaks in English you interpret into the other language and vice versa). You will also need to answer ethics questions and social/cultural awareness questions. Note that the examiner is not in the room with you, only the test supervisor. You will listen to a CD with questions and dialogues (conversations), and the recording of your responses and interpretations is sent to two independent examiners.
Written component?: No. (However, candidates are allowed to take notes during the
test. The notes are destroyed after the test.)Social/Cultural awareness questions?: Yes.Four questions, two in English and two in the other language. These questions assess your understanding of social and cultural factors and/ or socio- political issues that affect situations in which interpreters would typically work.
**Ethics questions?:**Yes. Four questions, two in English and two in the other language.The ethics questions test your awareness of the AUSIT Code of Ethics for Translators and Interpreters. (See the Code of Ethics on AUSIT’s website: http//, and the Ethics of Interpreting and Translating booklet on our website.)
Dictionaries allowed in test?: No.
Length of test?: 40 mins (average time)
2. 专业笔译考试
2. Test level:Professional Translator
**Oral component?:**No. All written
**Written component?:**Yes. Format: You will need to translate two passages of about 250 words each, and answer two ethics questions. When submitting your application you choose the translation direction, either from English into the other language, or from the other language into English.
Social/Cultural awareness questions?: No.
Ethics questions?: Yes. Two questions, which you can answer either in English or the other language.(See the Code of Ethics on AUSIT’s website: www.ausit. org, and the Ethics of Interpreting and Translating booklet on our website.)
**Dictionaries allowed in test?:**Yes. Note: certain electronic dictionaries are not allowed. Primarily,any device that does direct translations or allows you to input and store data will not be allowed. See the policy on the use of resources in translation tests, on our website.
**Length of test?:**3 hours.