北领地达尔文创新中心MINT计划(Migrant Innovation Northern Territory program),50万澳币获澳洲永居,仅限50配额

飞出国:2018年4月通过澳洲北领地创新移民计划 MINT 投资50万澳币可以通过多个签证类别申请 NT 州担保移民签证,全50个球配额,预定费用4万澳币。该项目于2018年5月下旬对外发布。

MINT 的基本特点是投资 50 万澳币到达尔文创新中心(由指定基金负责)后申请人只要符合最基本的190申请条件就可以使用澳洲职业清单上职业申请190州担保,限制少而且速度快,是一个十分简单的移民途径。当前看50万澳币要投资5年,万一不成功退还98%。

Complete Placement Agreement and pay $40,000 placement fee to reserve one of 50 places

北领地 MINT 申请流程:

  1. 联系MINT项目认可的移民代理;
  2. 签订合作意向,支付4万澳币占位费,因为目前该名额仅仅只有50个;
  3. NT政府确认预留名额;
  4. 通过认可的移民代理申请北领地州担;
  5. 获得132,190,188,和489 州担的临时批准信;
  6. 30天内完成投资;如果签证被拒,将退回90%;
  7. 获得北领地政府提名;
  8. 递交签证申请到移民局;
  9. 优先审理,签证审理仅为1-3个月;

MINT 项目可以通过 132,188,190或489 类别申请澳洲移民签证,对 190 和 489 职业申请人需要满足基本移民要求并且投资50万澳币,优势是不再对职业做过多限定,澳洲州担保职业清单上的职业都可以申请(250+ eligible occupation)。

MINT 190 和 489 申请要求:

  1. 通过职业评估,提名职业只需在澳洲移民清单上;
  2. EOI分数达到60分;
  3. 获邀之前年龄低于45岁;
  4. 英文语言满足等同于雅思4个6分的水平;
  5. 投资50万澳币到Paspalis 创业基金,获得NT担保,申请移民签证;


A unique opportunity for you to migrate to Darwin, Northern Territory Australia: DIH-Mint-Brochure-13042018-2018-flyabroad.pdf (1.3 MB)。


Darwin Innovation Hub (DIH) 和 Migrant Innovation Northern Territory (MINT) program

The Migrant Innovation Northern Territory (MINT) program assists overseas nationals with obtaining Australian permanent residency, if they have demonstrated commitment to being involved in the region’s innovation hub and start up incubator, the Darwin Innovation Hub (DIH).


  • Conservative asset allocation with 80% capital preservation in NT Bonds and 20% in venture capital projects that provide an economic advantage to the NT
  • Priority processing
  • Consideration of a wider range of occupations than listed on the NT Migration Occupation List
  • Opportunity to obtain a permanent residency visa instead of a provisional visa
  • Age and English concessions for those applying for a subclass 132 or subclass 188 visa.

Nomination for a Permanent Subclass 190

This is for skilled migrants who:

  • Can obtain a suitable skills assessment for one of 250+ eligible occupation
  • meet the points test pass mark of 60 points
  • be under 45 years of age at time of invitation
  • have Competent English (equivalent of IELTS 6.0 in each band)

Invest AUD 500K into Paspalis Innovation Investment Fund. This entity will make investments in DIH investment ready start-ups.


  • Priority nomination
  • Access to 250+ eligible occupations and non-competitive criteria
  • A visa that allows you to live and work anywhere in Australia

Paspalis 创新投资基金






  • 最低初始投资50万澳元
  • 其中约80%的资金投资于北领地政府债券,风险低,每年可获得高达2.5%的稳定回报
  • 另外约20%的资金投资于早期和新兴创业公司,年收益率可高达15%:
    • 对已在“达尔文创新中心(DIH)”落户的项目进行早期商业化投资
    • 对与查尔斯•达尔文大学合作研究项目进行投资
    • 对为北领地提供经济发展优势的行业进行早期投资


  • 通过投资债券,并从早期风险投资中获得更高回报,实现基金保值。
  • 基金经理的策略:充分利用其在澳大利亚北部和亚太地区的广泛网络,为早期和新兴创业公司提供投资机会,为其盈利与增长提供无与伦比的巨大潜力。


  • 拥有新开发的创新技术、系统或工艺;
  • 与创业管理团队达成可行的商业计划;
  • 在有吸引力的稳定市场中持续经营;
  • 在5年内至少拥有100%的盈利增长潜力;
  • 基金可通过交易出售或IPO上市进行套现。

Key Features

  • Minimum initial investment of $500,000
  • Stable, low-risk return of up to 2.5% per annum from approximately 80% of funds invested in Northern Territory Government Bonds
  • Potential higher returns of up to 15% per annum from approximately 20% of funds invested in early-stage and emerging companies such as:
  • Early stage commercialisation investments that have a presence at the Darwin Innovation Hub (DIH)
  • Investment into research in collaboration with Charles Darwin University
  • Early stage investment in industry that provide an economic advantage to the Northern Territory

Investment approach

  • Secure investment from bonds and higher risk/return profile from early-stage investment
  • The Manager’s strategy is to leverage its extensive network in the Northern Australia and the Asia Pacific region for investment opportunities in early-stage and emerging companies that provide exceptional potential for earnings growth.

Investee businesses will typically demonstrate:

  • A business that will provide an economic advantage to the Northern Territory;
  • New and innovative technologies, systems or processes;
  • An achievable business plan with an entrepreneurial management team;
  • The potential for at least 100% earnings growth over a 5 year time horizon; and
  • A realistic opportunity for the Fund’s exit.


Harley Paroulakis先生任“Paspalis资产管理集团”董事总经理兼首席执行官,也是“达尔文创新中心”的创始人。



“Paspalis资产管理集团”旗下拥有多家实体公司,并在澳大利亚拥有超过15年投资管理经验。其中包括:近20年来一直管理Paspalis集团在全球的业务;投资和商业地产投资组合;以及专业商业计划的资产管理。Harley于2001年成为“澳大利亚创业投资协会”(Australian Venture Capital Association Ltd)在北领地的第一个州级基金经理,并曾在美林证券(Merrill Lynch)新加坡分公司和“基点资本创新投资基金”(Foundation Capital Innovation InvestmentFund)担任高级管理职位。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me



这个属于赞助移民吧,不属于投资,也不属于技术,而是所有符合 132,188,190,489 基本条件的申请人都可以申请。50个配额已经用完,准备职业评估和雅思等下一批。

对技术移民来说,符合 190 基本条件说的是 通过职业评估,有雅思4个6成绩,自己分数达到55分可以申请190,自身分数(不包含州担保分数)达到50可以申请489。也就是


关于哪些职业可以申请,MINT 项目给的是 2017 年的职业清单,当时做网站时还是2017年的: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2017L00850

现在最新的清单可以看 Combined current list of eligible skilled occupations ,飞出国网站有中文版,里面标明 190 或 489(S/T)的是可以申请190和489的职业。


  • A visa that allows you to live and work anywhere in Australia


移民签证是允许在全澳洲工作生活的,只是按489或190,188,132 这类担保方式移民的,担保的州都要求在该州生活2年后才能去其他地方。当然这个是州政府和申请人的协议,严格来说不是移民部的规定。

例如对190来说,澳洲移民部的要求里有:You also have obligations toward the state or territory that nominates you.

Your obligations

If you are granted this visa, your nominating state or territory might require you to:

  • live in the nominating state or territory for a specified minimum time
  • tell them your address, both before and after you arrive in Australia
  • complete surveys and providing other information they ask for
  • meet any of their other requirements.

如果不是海外人士, 拿的是澳洲學生簽能申請嗎? 會不會因此被拒簽? 現在還有名額?


名额已经抢完了。 其实背景合适可以试一下塔州的489, small business类别

因为 2018年7月 EOI 及格分数提高 5 分,大部分申请人投资 50 万澳币也只能申请 489 了。当然,投钱还是比学语言来的快。