加拿大游转学, 子女读书政策,不需要学习许可的情况 Minor children already in Canada

游转学子女在加拿大读书 - 飞出国




当然也可以选择父母转学签后子女持旅游签证入境,申请子女入学并给子女申请 VR 访问记录(Visitor records)。这种情况下可以不用单独申请学习许可。

加拿大境内读中小学不需要学习许可的情况 - 飞出国


  • 幼儿园阶段(kindergarten)
  • 父母持有学习或工作许可期间,子女就读加拿大中小学
  • 难民或父母是难民
  • 学习期限在6个月之内的课程


Minor children already in Canada

Minors already in Canada should apply for a study permit. In some provinces or territories, they may need one to receive social services.

Minor children who are already in Canada may study without a study permit if they:

  • are in kindergarten, no matter what their parents’ status is in Canada
  • want to go to pre-school, primary or secondary school and have a parent who is allowed to work or study in Canada
  • are refugees or refugee claimants
  • have parents who are refugees or refugee claimants
  • came to Canada as a visitor for a course or program of studies of six months or less
  • will study in a course or program of six months or less
  • are in Canada by themselves

Minors who don’t have a study permit need a valid visitor status during their stay in Canada.

Extending a study permit inside Canada

You need a letter of acceptance to extend your study permit inside Canada. The length of a minor’s study permit is based on the letter of acceptance. Make sure to apply for the new permit at least three months before the current permit expires.

You can find an expiry date on the study permit.

If your study permit expires

You must keep a valid status during your stay in Canada. Usually, this means a valid study permit. If you’re allowed to study in Canada without a study permit, then you must have a valid visitor visa or Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA).

If you haven’t applied to renew your study permit before it expires, you’ll lose your student status and have 90 days to apply to restore it. You’re allowed to continue studying until a decision is made.


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