魁北克同等学历认证服务MIDI(Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Diversité et de l'Inclusion)

加拿大资格认证服务联盟 Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC) 继续讨论:

魁北克同等学历认证服务MIDI(Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion) - 飞出国

魁北克同等学历认证(Évaluation comparative des études effectuées hors du Québec)是魁北克移民部(MICC)提供的一项对国外学历进行认证的服务,认证的结果用于将国外学历对应到具体的魁北克学历(相当于是魁北克的什么学历),包括入学要求,学历,年限,专业等,具体到请参考最下面的认证样本。

魁北克学历对等认证适用群体 - 飞出国


  • 11年2月-12年3月间递交CSQ申请还没有拿到CSQ的申请人,受训不是非常明确加分的,不知道考试或面试需要达到的水平的
  • 12年3月份后递交的申请没有收到档案号的申请人(收到档案号的话说明受训是认可的)
  • 以上两种情况涉及到副申有可能加分的
  • 打算移民魁北克,但受训不是非常明确的潜在申请人

魁北克学历对等转换服务 - 飞出国


魁北克学历对等认证处理周期 - 飞出国


申请魁省学历认证需要的资料清单 - 飞出国

  • 身份证明 (出生公证原件,身份证和护照扫描件或复印件);
  • 学位证毕业证复印件及翻译件的盖章件,需要是学校的章,学校档案室的章或者学校公章都可以。公证书不可以;
  • 中英文成绩单盖章件,学校的章,同上;

申请注意事项: 学历学位证书的翻译必须由魁省的指定的翻译会员翻译或者确认才被认可,当前正规有场所的翻译大概收费在30加币,译。样本见下面:

魁北克移民部同等学历认证过程中不被评估的资料 - 飞出国

Documents that are not evaluated:

  • Academic documents certifying a program that is not recognized by authorities of the province or country where the studies were done 非教育部或教育部认可学校的证明
  • Academic documents issued by an educational institution that is not accredited by authorities of the province or country where the studies were done 民办学历
  • Academic documents that certify primary or secondary school studies of less than nine years duration (excluding kindergarten) 不足九年的中小学教育证明
  • Certificate of school attendance or registration 在读或入学证明
  • Attestations or certificates of competency or professional qualification 能力或专业资格证明
  • Work certificates 职业证书
  • Certificates of work internships that are not part of official academic training leading to a diploma 教学要求范围以外的实习工作证明
  • Transcripts or diplomas for studies lasting less than one academic year 不足一年的学历或成绩单
  • Transcripts for studies not successfully completed 未完成学习的成绩单
  • Copies not certified true by the educational institution or by authorities of the province or country where the studies were done 没有被认证的复印件或副本
  • Documents sent by fax or e-mail 不接受传真和email资料
  • Non-standard documents or documents that have been changed, corrected or altered. 非正规文档或有修改的文档







What is a comparative evaluation for studies?

The Evaluation comparative des études effectuées hors du Québec (Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Québec) is an expert opinion issued by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion solely for information purposes which establishes a general comparison between two official education systems. The comparative evaluation describes the academic documents and indicates which Québec academic milestones (or principal diplomas) and areas of training are comparable to studies done outside Québec. It is neither a diploma nor the equivalent of a diploma.

The Ministère examines the academic documents submitted to it by applying rigorous standards and recognized analytic methods in the comparative evaluation of diplomas.

Do you really need a comparative evaluation?

Before requesting a comparative evaluation, you should check whether you really need to obtain this opinion.

Because this opinion is neither a diploma nor the equivalent of a diploma, and since it places no obligation upon an employer, professional order or any other regulatory body, you may not need to obtain a comparative evaluation.

更多内容参考魁北克对等学历官方申请表里的说明(flyabroad 2016年最新版):

formulaire-evaluation-en-dyn-flyabroad.pdf (1.9 MB)