Medical examination-体检

Medical examination-体检-飞出国

Medical examination:所有移民加拿大和一些访问者必须进行的身体检查。由加拿大移民局指定的医生进行检查。申请者健康状况必须不存在对加拿大人的健康威胁或者给加拿大医疗造成沉重负担。相关术语-Medical exam、Immigration medical exam

A physical examination (that could also include laboratory/radiology tests depending on age) performed by a CIC appointed medical doctor that all immigrants and some visitors must go through before they are allowed into Canada. An applicant must be in good health and have no conditions or illnesses that:

  • would pose a danger to Canadians or
  • be very expensive to treat in Canada.

See Background check, Police certificate.
