新西兰长期紧缺职业工作签证 LTSSLWV - 飞出国2019
飞出国:新西兰长期紧缺职业工签申请要求主要是,年龄55周岁内,期限 30 个月,需要是全职且在新西兰长期紧缺职业列表(LTSSL )上,申请人满足该 LTSSL 职业的要求。无额外要求雅思。工作2年后可以直接转移民身份。申请周期周期2个半月左右,费用 635 纽币。
新西兰长期紧缺职业工作签证转移民条件 - 飞出国
飞出国:长期紧缺职业工签持有者在新西兰工作24个月可以通过 Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa 转永居,基本要求:
55周岁内,持有长期紧缺职业列表上的 job offer,在新西兰 LTSSL 职业上工作24个月(学历满足 LTSSL 职业的要求),年薪 4.5 万纽币,无额外要求雅思。该工签2年后转永居政策2019年年中会涉及变化。 新西兰工签转移民-长期紧缺职业类别 Long Term Skill Shortage List Resident Visa 。
Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa - flyabroad 2019
This visa offers a pathway to New Zealand residence. To apply, you’ll need to have the specified work experience, qualifications and occupational registration to work in an occupation on our Long Term Skill Shortage List, and an offer for work in that occupation. If you continue working in that occupation in New Zealand for 2 years, you can apply for residence.
Overview - Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
DURATION 30 months AGE RANGE 55 and under With this visa you can - Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
- Start your pathway to residence in New Zealand by working for up to 30 months in an occupation for which there is a shortage of New Zealanders available.
- Apply for residence after 2 years of working in an occupation on our Long Term Skill Shortage List.
Things to note - Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
- You can’t include a partner or dependent children in your work visa application, but they can apply for visas based on their relationship to you.
New Zealand job offer - Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
You must have a job offer for work on our Long Term Skill Shortage List
Your job offer must:
- be current at the time you apply for your visa
- be for full-time work
- be for work in an occupation on our Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL).
You must provide a copy of your employment agreement as evidence of your job offer. The employment agreement must include:
- your employer’s name and contact details
- your name and contact details
- your job title
- the address for your place of work
- the kind of work you’ll be doing and your responsibilities at work
- details of any necessary qualifications or work experience
- information about whether you’ll need New Zealand registration to do the work
- how long the work will be for
- how long you have to take up the job offer
- pay and work conditions that comply with New Zealand employment law.
We won’t normally grant a visa if your employer is included on the list of non-compliant employers maintained by the Labour Inspectorate.
Employment agreements and rights
List of non-compliant employers
Qualifications - Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
You must be qualified to do the work you’ve been offered
You must have the qualifications required by the LTSSL to do work the work you’ve been offered in New Zealand.
You must provide:
- original or certified copies of your qualifications
- evidence the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) recognises your qualification.
You must check if your qualification is on the New Zealand Qualifications Agency (NZQA) list of recognised or exempt qualifications. If it’s not on the list, you must provide a report from the NZQA confirming your qualification.
Immigration costs - Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
Application cost - flyabroad beijing
NZD ($)$ 635
This is the fee for Immigration New Zealand to process your application.An immigration levy is payable and is included in the total amount above.
Timeframes - flyabroad beijing
within 69 days
Processing - flyabroad beijing
90% of applications are currently completed within this time.
LongTerm Skill Shortage List Work Visa
If you have the qualifications and experience required for an occupation on our Long Term Skill Shortage List and have an offer of employment in that occupation, then you may be eligible for this visa. This visa can help set you on the pathway to New Zealand residence by allowing you to work here.
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