从 麦肯齐艺术与设计学院 McKenzie College School of Art & Design(新不伦瑞克省蒙克顿市) 继续讨论:
麦肯齐艺术与设计学院语言要求 Language Requirements of McKenzie College School of Art & Design
语言成绩要求 English Language Proficiency Requirements
1.国外学习申请人的最低英语学习标准 Minimum English study in applicant’s home country
- 就读于英语中学的申请人,至少拥有三年的学习经历,同时至少达到总成绩的70%或12年级英语或等同课程的B级水平
- 就读于英语机构的申请人,至少拥有一年的大专水平
- The applicant has studied in an English language secondary school for a minimum of 3 years and has achieved a minimum grade of 70% or B in Grade 12 English or equivalent course; OR
- The applicant studied at an English language institution for at least one year at the post-secondary level.
- The applicant has studied in a high school in Canada for a minimum of 1 year and has achieved a minimum grade of 70% or B in Grade 12 English (ENG4U/EAE4U or equivalent course).
3.以下官方语言水平测试的 相关要求 Official Language Proficiency Test score from ONE (1) of the following
- 托福 - 笔试最低550分或网考最低80分
- 雅思 - 最低6分或平均分不少于5.5分(学术类)
- 密执安英语语言评估测试 - 77分到80分
- 加拿大学术英语考试 - 最低60分
- 其他认可的非母语英语课程/英语作为附加语言考试分数,麦肯齐学院将视具体问题具体分析。
- TOEFL Paper based test – minimum score of 550 OR Internet based test: minimum score of 80
- IELTS – Minimum score of 6.0 and no module band score less than 5.5 (Academic)
- MELAB – Score of 77-80
- CAEL – Minimum score of 60>
- Other recognized ESL/EAL test scores may be considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of McKenzie College
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