从 圣文森特山大学 Mount Saint Vincent University(新省哈利法克斯市) 继续讨论:
圣文森特山大学语言课程 Language Programs at the Mount
The Mount offers 3 English as an Additional Language programs for international students who have received a conditional acceptance to the Mount but haven’t yet reached the minimum language requirements (i.e. TOEFL or IELTS) for full-time university study. These programs are also designed for anyone who has met the minimum language requirements, but feel that they would benefit from further academic preparation. The Mount offers the Academic Foundations Program, the University Bridging Program and the Graduate Preparatory Program.
1. 专业基础课程 Academic Foundation Program (AFP): IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
- 雅思5.5,单科不能低于5.0
- 托福iBT:60-80,单科不能低于17
This 25 hours a week/13 week English language program is designed to equip students with the introductory skills to ensure success at the Mount. This program is for students with English test scores of:
- IELTS 5.5 with no score below 5.0
- TOEFL iBT: 68-80 with no score below 17
- 加拿大大学预期任务的介绍
- 在大学里树立自信
- 高级语法
- 高级语言亮点
- 专业听力和笔记
- 拼写和发音
- 获得校园资源和支持
Study skills include:
- an introduction to Canadian university assignment expectations
- building confidence in a university setting
- advanced grammar
- advanced language points
- academic listening and note-taking
- spelling and pronunciation
- accessing campus resources and support
学费: $3500
Winter 2016 | January 11 – April 08 |
Summer I | May 02 – June 24 |
Summer II | July 04 – August 26 |
Fall 2016 | September 12 – December 02 |
2. 大学桥梁课程 University Bridging Program (UBP): IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
- 雅思:6.0,单科不低于5.5
- 托福iBT:81-83,单科不低于20
The University Bridging Program provides the fundamental skills students require to be successful full-time undergraduate Mount students. While completing this 180 hour program, students enroll in 1 course allowing them to begin their academic study. This program is for students with English test scores of:
- IELTS 6.0 with no score below 5.5
- TOEFL iBT: 81-83 with no score below 20
- 学术研究
- 论文写作
- 学术品格
- 高效阅读
- 时间管理
- 批判思维
- 公共演讲
Study skills include:
- academic research
- academic writing
- academic integrity
- effective reading
- time management
- critical thinking
- public speaking
学费: $3,500
Winter 2016 | January 11 – April 08 |
Summer I | May 02 – June 24 |
Summer II | July 04 – August 26 |
Fall 2016 | September 12 – December 02 |
3. 研究生预修课程 Graduate Preparatory Program (GPP): IELTS 6.5 or equivalent
- 雅思:6.5,单科不低于6.0
- 托福iBT:84-92,单科不低于21
The Graduate Preparatory Program focuses on preparing students for successful participation in the Mount’s graduate programs. The course requires students to complete 180 hours of study while concurrently enrolled in 1 required academic class. This program is for students with English test scores of:
- IELTS 6.5 with no score below 6.0
- TOEFL iBT 84-92 with no score below 21
- 专业词汇
- 正式的和特定学科的写作技巧
- 研究技能
- 释义和总结
- 阅读理解
- 批判性思考
- 流利的口语
- 演讲技巧
Study skills include:
- academic vocabulary
- formal and discipline-specific writing skills
- research skills
- paraphrasing and summarizing
- reading and comprehension
- critical thinking
- oral fluency
- presentation skills
学费: $3500
Winter 2016 | January 11 – April 08 |
Summer I | May 02 – June 24 |
Summer II | 未知 not available |
Fall 2016 | September 12 – December 02 |
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