英国投资移民 Investor Visa(Tier 1)

英国投资移民签证(Tier 1 Investor visa)最早始于1994年,主要是针对高收入并希望在英国投资的群体。投资移民签证申请者不需通过英文能力测试,不需提供日常生活费用的资金来源证明,不受限于国籍、学历和就业情况等。

首次签证为期3年(假设申请人持有入境签证entry clearance,则首次签证为期3年4个月),到期后可申请延长2年签证,根据投资者的投资金额而定,5年之后,若符合英国移民政策(第245EF章节)要求,可申请永久居留权(Permanent Resident,PR),持有永久居留权满一年后则可申请英国国籍。家庭成员(如未满18岁子女、丈夫、妻子、民事伴侣关系、未婚或同性伴侣)可同时申请投资移民签证,并且得以全职工作或上学。


  • 资料简单,来源文件解释灵活;
  • 无学历、英语、管理经验要求,无年龄上限;
  • 投资英国国债,英国政府信用等级AAA,是世界公认最安全的投资选择之一
  • 全程仅3-4个月即可获得投资移民签证;
  • 英国教育世界一流,全球顶尖高校云集;
  • 护照免签196个国家;
  • 对海外移民税收政策宽松。


  • 年满18周岁,没有最高年龄限制;
  • 无犯罪记录;
  • 向政府许可的投资公司或银行投资200万英镑,可选择国债、公司债和股票;
  • 无管理经验、学历和语言要求。


You can apply for a Tier 1 (Investor) visa if:


You must have at least £2,000,000 investment funds to apply for a Tier 1 (Investor) visa.

You must:

  • be 18 or over to apply for this visa
  • be able to prove that the money belongs to either you or your husband, wife, unmarried or same-sex partner
  • have opened a UK bank account

Your funds must be:

  • held in one or more regulated financial institutions
  • free to spend (‘disposable’) in the UK

Your money can be in the UK or overseas when you apply.



You successfully applied for your visa on or after 6 November 2014

You can apply to extend your visa if you:

  • have at least £2,000,000 under your control in the UK
  • have invested those funds in UK government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active UK companies
  • invested this sum within 3 months of your ‘investor start date’

Funds under your control in the UK

You must have invested the full amount made up of your own money or your partner’s money.


  • 签约并收集资料;
  • 支付律师费,进行银行开户;
  • 开户成功,进行转款;
  • 存款三个月,银行出具担保函;
  • 律师审核文件;
  • 全家前往英国签证中心递交申请;
  • 2周左右获得投资移民签证;
  • 3个月内全家登陆并到银行完成投资;
  • 3年后申请续签;
  • 5年后申请永居。



自1946年以来,英国即为联合国安全理事会常任理事国,而自1973年以来即为欧洲联盟(EU)及其前身欧洲经济共同体(EEC)的成员国,同时还为英联邦、欧洲委员会、七国财长峰会、七国集团、二十国集团、北大西洋公约组织、经济合作与发展组织和世界贸易组织成员国。2016年英国脱离欧盟公投中,英国民众决定脱离欧盟,但因间接影响全球经济,所以并未得到多数国家支持。英国国君已于2018年6月26日签署《退出欧盟法案》(European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018),根据该法案,英国将在2019年3月29日23时退出欧盟。





  • 教育方面:孩子从5到18岁可享受免费教育;
  • 医疗方面:英国的国民医疗保险体制是英国福利的重要组成部分之一,所实行的医疗保险体制,最大的优点就是任何人只要参与了社会保险,就不必为个人及家庭生病发愁担忧了。在英国看病方式和中国不同,不是大病小病都去医院,如果是小病就会在就近的社区医院就诊,如果是大病才会去综合性的医院就诊,进入医院后发生的所有费用均在保险覆盖范围内;
  • 英国的福利除了医疗和教育福利之外还有儿童和孕妇福利、伤残或疾病福利、退休福利、寡妇福利、失业福利、低收入人士福利和社会基金等。


自2018年12月6日英国媒体发布重磅消息,宣称英国投资移民签证申请被暂时停止, 英国移民市场立即掀起了狂风暴雨。几天后BBC又开始澄清“黄金签证”Tier 1 Investor投资移民签证项目“没有暂停”。


近日英国移民部长在英国议会官方网站上发表了关于Investor Visa (Tier 1) 投资移民新政将于今年春季推出的声明,移民部长也没有提到关停投资移民项目。关于移民新政策的改革方向主要集中在以下几个方面:

  1. Tier 1投资移民签证不会取消但会有重大改革,预计2019年春季公布改革方案;
  2. 引入第三方机构独立审计资金来源,应对反洗钱;
  3. 申请人在递交投资移民申请前,需要持有资金超过2年。

Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules:Written statement - HCWS1159

Made by: Caroline Nokes (The Minister of State for Immigration)


Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules

My rt hon Friend, the Home Secretary, will shortly be laying before the House a Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules.

The Government is clear that entrepreneurs play a key role in creating jobs and driving economic growth, which is vital to the prosperity of the UK. In June of this year, we announced a new Start-up visa route. This will build upon the successes of the current Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) route, expanding it to ensure that the UK can benefit from a wider pool of overseas talent looking to establish new businesses in the UK. Applicants will be endorsed by either a business or higher education institution sponsor.

We are announcing that we will build on this offer further by introducing a new Innovator route, for more experienced business people. This will replace the current Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) route and have a similar emphasis on endorsement by a business sponsor, who will assess applicants’ business ideas for their innovation, viability and scalability.

Alongside this, we will reform our Tier 1 (Investor) route.

These reforms will be introduced in the spring and will ensure the UK remains a world-leading destination for investment and innovation. We will shortly be publishing a Statement of Intent setting out the details of how the reformed routes will work and I will place a copy in the House Library.

We are also introducing wider changes through these Immigration Rules which demonstrate our commitment to supporting talented leaders in their fields, and promising future leaders, coming to the UK under the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) route. The changes will expand this route to provide for a route of entry for leading architects endorsed by the Royal Institute of British Architects, under the remit of Arts Council England (ACE). This change builds upon other reforms to the route earlier this year, including doubling the number of places available, providing for faster settlement to existing leaders in their fields endorsed under this route, and expanding the route to leading fashion designers, also endorsed under the remit of ACE. We will continue to work closely with our partners in this route to attract more leading international talent to the UK.

More broadly, the changes also include a number of minor, more technical changes to our Tier 1 and Tier 2 routes for highly skilled workers. These changes will be made to ensure the Immigration Rules remain up-to-date and for consistency purposes.

The Government greatly values the roles played by our charities and religious institutions and those who wish to come to the UK to contribute to these organisations are extremely welcome. However, there are some issues with the routes as they currently operate.

Our immigration system makes specific provision for both Ministers of Religion and those coming as religious workers. This distinction between the two roles reflects the importance we place on our faith leaders speaking English to a high standard, whilst at the same time still permitting other members of religious communities to contribute to the UK in non-pastoral roles.

Whilst it is not the intention of the Tier 5 Religious Workers route, our current rules could permit religious workers to perform roles, that include preaching and leading a congregation, without first being required to demonstrate that they speak English to an acceptable standard. To address this, we are prohibiting Tier 5 Religious Workers filling roles as Ministers of Religion and direct them instead to do so through the correct Tier 2 Minister of Religion sub-category. This will require Ministers of Religion to demonstrate a strong command of English and ensure they can interact with the community around them.

The Tier 5 arrangements for Religious Workers and Charity Workers have always been intended to provide for only limited periods of residence in the UK of up to two years. We have however seen instances of migrants in these categories repeatedly applying for consecutive periods of leave, in effect achieving ongoing residency in the UK. We will therefore introduce a ‘cooling off period’, preventing Tier 5 Religious Worker and Tier 5 Charity Worker visa holders from returning to the UK, via these immigration routes for 12 months after their visa expires. This change ensures that we will continue to welcome those coming to make a contribution to our religious and charity organisations, whilst at the same time underpinning the Government’s intention that these are temporary routes.

On 6 September the Home Secretary issued a Written Ministerial Statement (HCWS940) announcing the introduction of a new pilot scheme for 2019, enabling non-EEA migrant workers to come to the UK to undertake seasonal employment in the Horticultural sector. These amendments will set out the legislative framework for introducing this pilot.

This small-scale pilot will test the effectiveness of our immigration system at alleviating seasonal labour shortages during peak production periods, whilst maintaining robust immigration control and ensuring there are minimal impacts on local communities and public services.

The organisations chosen to fill the role of scheme operators for this pilot have been selected following a fair and open selection process, undertaken by the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The formal date of implementation for this pilot will be announced in due course.

飞出国: 目前从英国内政部获取的官方消息可以得知,投资移民政策今年会有较大幅度的调整已是不争的事实。 面对不断调整的移民政策,投资移民申请人应密切关注政策变化及实施细节。委托专业的移民机构提前规划及时申请,以确保专业性和成功率。