从 温哥华国际中医学院(卑诗省温哥华市) International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver 继续讨论:
温哥华国际中医学院文凭课程-International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver Diploma Programs
五年制高级中医师文凭 Doctor of TCM (Dr.TCM.)
四年制中医师文凭 中医师 TCM Practitioner Program (R.TCM.P.)
三年制针灸师文凭 Acupuncturist (R.Ac.)
三年制草药医生文凭 TCM Herbalist (R.TCM.H.)
Diploma Programs
Five-year Diploma Program for Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr.TCM.)
- The Board Exam requirement for D.TCM. is 3250 hours and the College is offering 3398 hours.
Four-year Diploma Program for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.)
- The Board Exam requirement for R.TCM.P. is 2600 hours and the College is offering 2662 hours.
Three-year Diploma Program for Acupuncturist (R.Ac.)
- The Board Exam requirement for R.Ac. is 1900 hours and the College is offering 1948 hours.
Three-year Diploma Program for TCM Herbalist (R.TCM.H.)
- The Board Exam for R.TCM.H. is 1900 hours and the College is offering 1934 hours.
*You may take the Diploma Programs on part-time study basis. However; CTCMA of BC requires a student to finish the three year program(s) within five years.
网址: Tzu Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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