从 温哥华国际中医学院(卑诗省温哥华市) International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver 继续讨论:
温哥华国际中医学院入学要求-International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver Admissions
- 高中毕业或年满19周岁;
- 提供语言能力证明材料;
- 学院导师或管理者会安排一次面试,面试通过,可入学;
- 提供带有照片的身份证件;
- 提供高中学业官方成绩单;
- 提交入学申请表,需要注明自己如何负担学习费用的(自己的储蓄、寻求金融援助还是通过其他途径解决学费问题);
- 申请人需要签订合同和提前缴纳20%学费作为押金的同意书,合同中注明了学费支付的远程支票,也需要在收到发票10日内签字,这样才能顺利完成入学注册;
- 初次申请人和已辍学超过1年再次申请入学的个人都必须缴纳申请费(费用不退还,当地学生是150加币,国际留学生是250加币);
- 现金、借记卡或银行汇票形式均可缴纳费用。
- 需要持有有效的学生签证,如果学生签证即将到期,需更新签证信息;
- 国际留学生需要一次性全额缴纳学费,才能顺利完成入学注册;
- 国际留学生需签订至少1年的学生合同;
- 国际留学生需要有医疗保险,且自己承担。
Applicants are considered on the basis of individual merit without regard to gender, orientation, age, religion, creed, race, or national or ethnic origin. This policy applies to admissions, employment, financial aid, and all other matters within the College.
Applicants must have completed high school or over the age of 19. The admission criteria can not be waved by either the school or the applicant.
Applicants must provide sufficient certification for Language Proficiency evaluation
(if applies). -
A personal interview with the College Director / Administrator may be necessary prior to acceptance.
Applicants must provide the College with a copy of photo ID.
Applicants must provide the College with a copy of their high school official transcript (if applies).
Applicants must complete and submit the College admissions application form and indicate how they plan to cover their tuition during their attendance in the program (financial aid, savings, or other sources.)
The applicants should sign both copies of the Contract and return them to the College along with a 20% tuition deposit and all post-dated checks according to the tuition payment schedule stated in the Student Contract within 10 days of receipt in order to complete the registration.
New applicants or returning students, who have interrupted their studies for more than one academic year must pay a non-refundable application fee (local students: $150.00 or international students: $250.00) for admission to the Diploma / Certificate Program(s).
Payment may be made by Cash, Debit Card, or Bank Draft (payable to ICTCM of Vancouver).
Additional regulations for International Students:
- International Students are requested to provide valid Student Visa to the College (if available) and update the Visa information before it expires.
- International Students are requested to pay the full amount of tuition stated in the Student Contract in order to complete the registration.
- International Students are requested to sign an minimum of one year Student Contract upon registration.
- International Students are requested to enroll as a full-time student.
- International Students are solely responsible for, and should have valid medical insurance.
网址: Tzu Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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