|以下类型的企业不符合投资条件-飞出国曼省 | The following types of businesses are not eligible as Investments Of MPNP|
|主要为获取被动收入而经营的企业,例如租金,利息,股息或资本收益,包括“规章”第87(6)(a)条禁止的业务|a) businesses operated primarily for the purpose of deriving passive income such as rent, interest, dividends or capital gains, including a business prohibited by subsection 87(6)(a) of the Regulations;|
|与移民相关的投资计划,该术语在“条例”第87(9)条小节中定义;|b) immigration-linked investment schemes, as that term is defined in subsection 87(9) of the Regulations;|
|之前曼省企业家移民创建的前七年内的企业;|c) businesses established or purchased by another Program applicant or nominee within the previous seven years from the date of this Agreement;|
|包括赎回或回购选项的业务;|d) businesses which include a redemption or buy-back option;|
|以家庭为基础的企业;|e) home-based businesses;|
|房地产投资;|f) real estate investments;|
|物业管理,租赁或租赁业务;|g) property management, rental or leasing businesses;|
|民宿;|h) bed and breakfasts;|
|支付日贷款,支票兑现或货币兑换业务;|i) pay-day lending, cheque cashing or money changing businesses;|
|提供金融中介或货币市场产品的企业或服务,包括抵押贷款经纪;|j) businesses providing financial intermediation or money market products or services, including mortgage brokerages;|
|传递进出口业务;|k) pass-through import-export businesses;|
|取款机业务;|l) cash machine businesses;|
|彩票;|m) lottery kiosks;|
|出租车或豪华轿车执照;|n) taxi cab or limousine licenses;|
|汽车租赁或租赁业务;|o) vehicle rental or leasing businesses;|
|专业服务;|p) professional services;|
|农场企业,包括休闲农场;或|q) farm businesses, including a hobby farm; or|
|可能对曼省声誉带来损害的任何类型的企业|r) any type of business that by association would tend to bring the Program or Manitoba into disrepute|
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