
飞出国:对于技术移民澳洲的朋友,应该对AIM(Australian Institute of Management)有所了解,但是IML(The Institute of Managers and Leaders)是个啥?有些人可能会有疑惑。今天飞出国小编就给大家普及一下IML。

The Australian Institute of Management (AIM) was first established in a number of Australian states and territories in the late 1940s. For the next 70 or so years it existed as a loose confederation of primarily state based entities. In 2014 the members of the then divisions operating in Queensland and the Northern Territory (QNAN), New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory (NSW/ACT) Victoria and Tasmania (Vic/Tas) and South Australia (SA) voted overwhelmingly to form a fully integrated merged organisation – the Australian Institute of Management (Group) Limited. Trading under the name of the Institute of Managers and Leaders
(IML) the Company established an office in Western Australia in 2018 and merged with the New Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM) in the same year.

What follows is the Constitution of the Australian Institute of Management (Group) Limited, trading as the Institute of Managers and Leaders, Australia and New Zealand (IML ANZ).

也就是从2018年开始,AIM以 Institute of Managers and Leaders, Australia and New Zealand (IML ANZ)进行商业活动。大家都知道,AIM是负责高级管理类职位的评估,更换名称后,仍然延续以前的业务,评估要求材料清单流程,与之前基本保持不变,只有一些小变化,飞出国做了如下总结,大家可以在申请的过程中注意一下。

1. 申请表

2. 邮寄地址

Postal Address:
Management Skills Assessment Unit
IML National
GPO Box 2229
Brisbane Qld 4000, Australia

Courier Address:
Management Skills Assessment Unit
IML National
Level 16, 40 Creek Street
Brisbane Qld 4000, Australia

飞出国提醒:中国的申请人一般适用courier的地址,postal 的地址,国际快递无法送达。

3. 工作证明材料

4. 审理周期
