威尔弗里德·劳里埃大学IB课程入学要求 Admission Requirements for International Baccalaureate (IB) of Wilfrid Laurier University

威尔弗里德·劳里埃大学 Wilfrid Laurier University (安省多滑铁卢市) 继续讨论:

威尔弗里德·劳里埃大学IB课程入学要求 Admission Requirements for International Baccalaureate (IB) of Wilfrid Laurier University

成功完成国际中学文凭(International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma)的申请人至少通过6门课程,其中至少3门课程为高级水平(HL)的课程,才能符合入学要求。申请人的成绩要达到26分,包括延伸论文的3分附加分。

Applicants who have successfully completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma will be considered for admission with passes in at least six subjects, of which three must be at the higher level (HL). The minimum total score requirement is 26, including three bonus points for extended essay.

课程要求 Program Requirements

课程 Program 最低分 Minimum
双学位 Double Degrees 34
工商管理 Business Administration (BBA) 33
经济学 Economics 30
社会工作 Social Work (BSW) 30
人体运动学 Kinesiology 29
健康科学 Health Science 29
商务技术管理 Business Technology Management 29
文学 Arts 26
理学 Science 26
布兰特福德课程 Brantford Programs 26
文学(非专业) Arts (No Major) 24

等值分数 Grade Equivalents

安大略省校区等值分数 Ontario Equivalent IB等值分数 IB Equivalent
98.50% 7
94.50% 6
88% 5
77.50% 4
66% 3
55% 2
49% 1

等值奖学金 Scholarship Equivalents

奖学金等级 Scholarship Level IB分数 IB Points 分数范围 Grade Range
1 37+ 95-100%
2 34-36 90-94.9%
3 32-33 85-89.9%
4 29-31 80-84.9%

转学分 Transfer Credit


Transfer credit is considered up to a maximum of 6 classes (3.0 credits) for HL subjects with a minimum score of 5 as well as for the Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay with a minimum grade of B in each。


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