
哈利法克斯(Halifax)- 加拿大新省首府:

Halifax 城市简介 - 飞出国

哈利法克斯(Halifax),加拿大东部大西洋沿岸最大城市,新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia)省会。北美洲最大的深水天然港口,雨水充沛,气候宜人。加拿大海军大西洋舰队司令部所在地。

哈利法克斯是新斯科舍省的省会城市,人口:408702,位于北美,欧洲和亚洲市场战略地位。加拿大大西洋地区的主要经济引擎, 占GDP 19%,在国际商务成本竞争力排名第四(毕马威竞争的替代品,2014)。

哈利法克斯是加拿大大西洋地区的主要经济中心,这里集中了大量的政府服务设施和私营企业。主要的用人单位和经济动力包括国防,达尔豪斯大学,圣玛丽大学,圣文森山大学, NSCC,哈利法克斯船厂,各级政府和哈利法克斯港。而农业、渔业、矿业、林业和天然气开采的主要资源产业则位于农村地区。

halifax 居民称谓 Haligonian,时间与中国差12小时(非夏令时)。

  • 时区 AST(UTC−4)
  • 夏令时 ADT(UTC−3)
  • Postal code B3H to B3S
  • 电话区号 902

Halifax , NS 关键经济优势 - 飞出国

北美主要的运输及物流枢纽 - 飞出国

  • 在加拿大大西洋地区的重大项目共计1220亿美元
  • 包括金融服务的供应,运输和物流、海洋技术 的多种的经济驱动;
  • 北美地区受过良好教育的劳动力-接近70%的工作年龄人口有大专证书
  • 在FDI杂志2013 / 14 未来商业友好的的美国城市排名居前10位

Halifax 产业优势 - 飞出国


Halifax 金融服务 - 飞出国


Halifax 信息和通信技术,游戏和互动媒体 - 飞出国

一些世界上最知名的ICT,游戏和互动媒体,位于哈利法克斯的公司包括IBM,CGI,Citco,Hb工作室,施乐和Frontier Developments.

Halifax 海洋 - 飞出国


Halifax 运输与物流 - 飞出国


Halifax 航空航天和国防 - 飞出国


加拿大新省哈利法克斯具体气温情况可以参考下面网站 - 飞出国:

Halifax: Canada’s Ocean City

City Profile - Halifax - flyabroad

Map of Canada with the city of Halifax pinpointed.

Halifax is the capital city of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada
Population: 417,847

  • Primary economic engine for Atlantic Canada - 20% of the region’s GDP
  • Strategically located between major North American, European and Asian markets
  • Ranks 8th in International Business Cost Competitiveness (KPMG, Competitive Alternatives 2016).

Key Advantages - Halifax - flyabroad

  • Major North American transportation and logistics hub
  • Major projects totaling $31 billion in Halifax; with $125 billion throughout Atlantic Canada
  • Diverse economy powered by growing industry sectors such as financial services, transportation and logistics and ocean technology
  • One of the most highly-educated workforces in North America - close to 70% of the working age population have post-secondary certification
  • Ranked Top 10 for Business Friendliness in FDI Magazine’s ranking of American Cities of the Future 2015/2016

Sector Strengths - Halifax - flyabroad

Halifax has one of the most diverse economies in Canada with a number of strong industries.

Financial Services

Halifax is the regional headquarters of Canada’s largest banks and a global financial centre for shared services, middle and back office operations. According to KPMG, Halifax, Nova Scotia is the fastest growing hedge fund administration centre in Canada.

Information and Communication Technology, Gaming and Interactive Media

Some of the world’s most recognizable ICT, digital media companies are based in Halifax including IBM, CGI, Cisco, Xerox, Bell Aliant and NTT Data.


Halifax is a world leader in oceans research and technology, a growing sector generating $4.5 billion in GDP in Nova Scotia and employing 14% of the province’s workforce. Nova Scotia has the highest concentration of oceans-related PhDs in the world.

Transportation and Logistics

Built for speed and volume, the Halifax Gateway is a strategic North American location for the efficient movement of goods and people globally. It includes the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, the International Port of Halifax, CN Rail, a strong logistics and warehousing sector, and excellent class 1 highway infrastructure.

Aerospace and Defence

Nova Scotia’s commercial aerospace and defence sector, with locations throughout the Province, employs 3,000 people and generates more than $850 million in revenues each year. Add the Department of National Defence (DND) to the mix, with an additional workforce of 14,439 and annual expenditures of $1.7 billion, and you will see why Nova Scotia can compete with jurisdictions worldwide.

Sources: DND Estimated Expenditures by Electoral District and Province FY 2013-14; Dept of Business LEAD Profile, Aerospace & Defence.

Connect with Halifax


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加拿大新斯科舍省省会,大西洋沿岸诸省中最大港市。位于新斯科舍半岛东南岸中部,战略位置重要,有“北方卫士”之称。 人口11.8万,大市区人口约33万,约占全省人口1/3。1749年英国苏格兰移民在此定居。1841年建市,1905年前为英国陆、海军基地。港口为一溺谷型海湾,入口处深达26米,港道最浅处也有15米。


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那就不知道啦。。。以及我在澳洲的时候也只是用Google map的哈哈

http://www.whereis.com/ 试试吧,真的很棒的