


  • GTI全球人才项目是一个杰出人才项目,移民局表示在所收到的EOI中有一大部分申请人都是不属于“杰出人才”范畴的,比如初级的学者,初级或者中级专业人士和经理(包括工程师,教师,技术员,业务分析师,会计以及健康专业人士)。因此,对于这些群体的申请人,一般说来,GTI项目就不适合,可以考虑其他澳洲移民项目。

Scope of the program

We continue to receive a large number of EOIs from candidates who are out of scope for the program, including entry-level academics, entry to mid-level professionals and managers (including engineers, teachers, technicians, business analysts, accountants and health professionals).

  • 对于博士毕业生申请人,仍然可以提供完成博士学位之前所做的一些学术研究,以证明自己的杰出成就。自获得博士学位开始,博士毕业生可以默认有三年是在其学术研究领域是突出的。同时,对于在申请GTI时,已经毕业12个月以上的,博士毕业生申请人仍是从事博士专业相关的工作,移民官也会纳入考虑范围内。不论毕业时间如何,博士期间的相关研究,都可以被考虑用于评估申请人在其领域的突出程度。博士生必须证明他们在优先领域拥有国际公认的杰出成就记录。

PhD graduates

Candidates can continue to provide evidence of completing the academic requirements (prior to conferral) for a relevant PhD to demonstrate that they have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement.

PhD graduates may be considered prominent in their area of academia and research for 3 years from the conferral date of the qualification. Decision makers also consider whether applicants have remained engaged in their field if they graduated more than 12 months prior to application.

PhD students

Relevant PhD studies, irrespective of graduation date, are now considered for the assessment of prominence in the area. PhD students must demonstrate that they have a prior internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in a priority sector.


  • 移民局预想的是申请人既然具有国际公认的杰出成就,那么理应与澳洲同领域的人有着联系,从而可以作为推荐人来证明申请人的成就。如果推荐人与申请人不熟悉或者是通过收费才签署Form 1000表,那么这个推荐Nomination的证明价值不大。而对于澳洲相关机构,通过收取一定申请费,同时对申请人资质进行审查的情况,移民局还是接受这种机构提名。总之,移民局不鼓励移民代理招募和通过付费给申请人找到不熟悉的推荐人。

We anticipate that candidates with internationally recognised records of exceptional and outstanding achievement will have contacts within the sector in Australia willing to attest to their achievements, and anticipate that a nominator would draw from a professional relationship with the applicant.

The evidentiary value of a nomination may be lower if the nominator is unfamiliar with the applicant’s achievements, or has received a payment for completing Nomination for Global Talent Form 1000 (216KB PDF).

Australian peak bodies may charge an administration fee. We may accept a nomination if satisfied that the organisation has conducted appropriate enquiries to verify that the candidate has an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in the sector in which the peak body has a national reputation.

Agents are strongly discouraged from recruiting and paying nominators who are unfamiliar with the achievements of Global Talent visa applicants.

  • GTI项目的推荐人也可以是新西兰公民,但是需要是持有444签证(444签证只有在澳洲境内才有效)且目前在澳洲境内的新西兰公民,才能作为推荐人。因此,在澳洲之外的新西兰公民,是不能作为推荐人签署Form 1000的。

An Eligible New Zealand citizen is a New Zealand citizen who is a protected Special Category visa holder within the meaning of Section 7 of the Social Security Act 1991.

Special Category visas only remain valid while the holder is in Australia. New Zealand citizens outside of Australia are not holders of a Special Category visa and are not eligible to complete a Form 1000.