
之前飞出国已经提到过 GTI项目提高对于硕士和荣誉学士毕业生的申请要求,申请人该如何应对? ,此次,MIA正式发文,GTI项目不会再给仅有荣誉学士和硕士学历的申请者发邀请。


Changes to the Global Talent Independent program now prevent Masters and Honours students from receiving an invitation, based solely on theiry academic qualifications.


This policy change affects all future EOI assessments, and applies to EOI submissions made by candidates who have not yet received an invitation to the Global Talent program by 20 January 2021.

EOI candidates who submitted an EOI priot to the policy changes and have not been invited are encouraged to review their eligibility and to consider applying again when they meet the new requirements.


  • 有国际认可的杰出或者突出成就
  • 当前仍在所在领域有杰出之处
  • 从其专业领域来讲,对澳洲将有所贡献
  • 将来在澳洲能够就业
  • 有同一领域的澳洲个人或者机构作为推荐人



Applicants must demonstrate that they are highly skilled in one of the target sectors and:

  • prove they are internationally recognised with evidence of outstanding and exceptional achievements
  • still be prominent in their field of expertise
  • provide evidence that they would be an asset to Australia, in their field of expertise
  • have no difficulty obtaining employment in Australia or becoming established in their field
  • have a recognised organisation or individual in Australia endorse them as global talent, in the same field as the applicant

Applicants must meet a high standard and show an exceptional track-record of professional and outstanding achievements. This may include senior roles, patents, professional awards, international publications, media articles and international memberships.

Applicants should have the ability to attract a salary at or above the Fair Work high income threshold.


  • 申请人的工资单或者合同所体现的收入情况
  • 是否有job offer体现了潜在收入情况
  • 近期的博士毕业生

In assessing the applicant the Department considers:

  • current salary shown through payslips or a contract, or
  • future job offers outlining remuneration, or
  • recent PhD graduates and certain PhD students with relevant qualifications in the target sectors.
