解说GTI以及GBTA项目中的紧缺领域——循环经济Circular Economy

飞出国:循环经济Circular Economy是澳洲GTI杰出人才项目在2020年12月新增的一个紧缺领域,且根据移民局各种统计数据来看,该领域申请人数少且审理周期快,但是很多人还是不明白循环经济具体指的是什么,来看看以下解说吧。


  • 禁止出口未加工的玻璃,塑料,轮胎,纸张和纸板
  • 超过10亿澳元的投资用于废物和回收行业
  • 通过 2000 万澳元的国家产品管理投资基金支持行业主导的回收计划
  • 到2030年达到食物废物减半

We’re determined to exceed our national target recycling 80% of our waste by 2030. To do this we are:

  • banning the export of unprocessed glass, plastic, tyres, paper and cardboard in a world first
  • investing more than A$1 billion to turbocharge our waste and recycling industries
  • supporting industry-led recycling schemes through the A$20 million National Product Stewardship Investment Fund
  • halving our food waste by 2030.

澳大利亚承诺每年再处理 645,000 吨废塑料、纸张、玻璃和轮胎。 回收和清洁能源国家制造业优先路线图确定了以下方面的增长机会:

  • 可回收产品和包装
  • 用于再制造(和使能技术)的清洁原料
  • 来自回收原料的产品(如塑料、有机废物或电子废物)
  • 回收清洁能源组件(包括光伏板、风力涡轮机和电池)

Australia is committed to reprocessing an additional 645,000 tonnes of waste plastic, paper, glass and tyres each year. The Recycling and Clean Energy National Manufacturing Priority road map identifies growth opportunities in:

  • recyclable products and packaging
  • cleaner feedstocks for remanufacturing (and enabling tech)
  • products from recycled feedstocks (such as plastic, organic waste or e-waste)
  • recycling clean energy components (including PV panels, wind turbines and batteries).

到 2025 年,仅在三个领域——食品、交通和建筑环境——的未来循环经济就可以为澳大利亚创造 230 亿澳元的 GDP 经济效益。

A future circular economy in just three areas – food, transport and the built environment – could create an economic benefit to Australia of A$23 billion in GDP by 2025.

澳大利亚的废物行业正在经历一场巨变。 我们正在改善资源回收、增加回收材料的使用并更好地管理废物流——所有这些都以向可再生能源过渡为基础。 为未来设计并颠覆我们提取、制造、再利用和回收资源和产品方式的先驱企业家得到了大力支持。

Australia’s waste sector is undergoing a seismic shift. We’re improving resource recovery, increasing the use of recycled material and better managing waste material flows – all underpinned by the transition to renewable energy sources. There’s strong support for pioneer entrepreneurs who are designing for the future and disrupting the way we extract, manufacture, reuse and recycle resources and products.

澳大利亚向循环经济转型需要新技术和专业知识。 为了发展他们的业务,当地公司正在寻求联合资助和合作。 对于能够提供创新废物管理解决方案、信息系统和产品的公司来说,这意味着大量机会。

Australia’s transformation into a circular economy demands new technologies and expertise. To grow their businesses, local firms are looking for co-funding and collaborations. That means a wealth of opportunities for companies that can offer innovative waste management solutions, information systems and products.

澳大利亚公司正在将塑料和生活垃圾转化为家具、装饰、围栏和服装,我们正在通过制定道路回收内容的国家标准以及将回收产品作为基础设施、国防物业管理采购的重点,开发新的国内回收材料市场 和一般政府采购。

Australian companies are turning plastics and household waste into furniture, decking, fencing and clothing, and we are developing new domestic markets for recycled materials by setting national standards for recycled content in roads and making recycled products a focus of procurement for infrastructure, defence estate management and general government purchasing.
