从 西蒙弗雷泽大学 Simon Fraser University (SFU) (卑诗省本拿比市) 继续讨论:
西蒙弗雷泽大学研究生专业课程(Graduate Programs of Simon Fraser University )
应用科学学院/Faculty of Applied Sciences
- 计算机科学系/School of Computing Science
- 工程科学系/School of Engineering Science
- 机电系统工程系/School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering
环境学院/Faculty of Environment
- 考古学系/Department of Archaeology
- 地理学系/Department of Geography
- 生态恢复理学硕士(卑诗理工学院联合学位)/Ecological Restoration MSc (Joint Degree with BCIT)
- 资源与环境管理系/School of Resource and Environmental Management
艺术与社会科学学院/Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- 拉丁美洲发展研究系/Centre for Latin American Development Studies
- 经济学系/Department of Economics
- 英语系/Department of English
- 法语系/Department of French
- 性别、性与女性研究系/Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
- 老年病学系/Department of Gerontology
- 历史系/Department of History
- 人文学系/Department of Humanities
- 语言学习/Department of Linguistics
- 哲学系/Department of Philosophy
- 政治学系/Department of Political Science
- 心理学系/Department of Psychology
- 社会学与人类学系/Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- 人文学科专业/Liberal Studies Program
- 国际研究系/School for International Studies
- 犯罪学系/School of Criminology
- 公共政策系/School of Public Policy
- 城市研究专业/Urban Studies Program
科学学院/Faculty of Science
- 生物信息学/Bioinformatics
- 生物科学系/Department of Biological Sciences
- 生物医学生理学与人体运动学系/Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
- 化学系/Department of Chemistry
- 地球科学系/Department of Earth Sciences
- 数学系/Department of Mathematics
- 分子生物学与生物化学系/Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 物理系/Department of Physics
- 统计学与精算学系/Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
沟通、艺术与技术学院/Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology
- 数字媒体中心/Centre for Digital Media
- 出版专业/Publishing Program
- 当代艺术系/School for the Contemporary Arts
- 沟通系/School of Communication
- 交互艺术与技术系/School of Interactive Arts and Technology
研究生证书/Graduate Certificates
- 发展与持续性/Development and Sustainability
- 拉丁美洲研究/Latin American Studies
- 复杂社会系统模型制作/Modelling of Complex Social Systems (MoCSSy)
- 神经科学/Neuroscience
- 可视化分析论/Visual Analytics
- 科学&技术商业化/Science & Technology Commercialization
以上内容来源: Programs Alphabetically - Graduate Studies - Simon Fraser University
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