加拿大学习许可申请要求及流程 Get a study permit

加拿大学习许可综述 (Get a study permit) 继续讨论:

加拿大学习许可申请要求及流程 Get a study permit - 飞出国

学习许可申请条件 - 飞出国

  • 被加拿大指定的学习机构录取
  • 足够的资金支撑学习、生活等支出
  • 没有犯罪记录,需提供无犯罪证明
  • 身体健康
  • 承诺学习完成后会按时离境

豁免学习许可的情况 - 飞出国

  • 学习6个月之内的短期课程
  • 外国代表
  • 外国军队
  • 在加拿大注册的印第安人

学习许可申请流程 - 飞出国


  1. 准备好申请所需的材料;
  2. 支付申请费: 150加币;
  3. 递交申请: 中国申请人递交到就近的加拿大签证处理中心即可(CVAC)。

学习许可申请处理周期 - 飞出国

  • 北京使馆:7周
  • 香港使馆:5周
  • 上海使馆:7周

学习许可申请递交后 - 飞出国


  • 申请人会收到确认信,当你抵达加拿大的时候提供此证明信
  • 会签发一个临时居留签证(TRV - temporary resident visa)



加拿大学习许可申请官方链接: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study.asp


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How do I renew or apply for a study permit?

As an international student, if you want to renew your study permit, you should apply at least 30 days before the expiry date of your current status. Applying early allows you to remain in Canada under the same conditions of your current study permit until you receive a decision.

If you are applying for your first study permit to attend a post secondary institution, you must obtain a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution. Once you have that acceptance letter, you can complete and submit an application to get a study permit from inside Canada.

Important information:

The validity period of your study permit cannot exceed that of your passport. Therefore, you should ensure that your passport’s validity exceeds the amount of time you are requesting on your application.

Note: The Case Processing Centre receives large volumes of applications each year. Processing delays vary greatly. You may want to apply in advance of the recommended period. Check our current processing times.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
