Fsw ee签证申请阶段-uci模板

Date: XXX

Application: XXX

Dear XXX:

Thank you for your interest in Canada.

Your application for permanent residence in Canada was received electronically by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on XX/2015. You applied to the Federal Skilled Worked Program – FSW.

CIC has reviewed your application and determined that it meets the requirements of a complete application as described in sections 10 and 12.01 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection.

Processing your application

CIC will now begin processing your application. We will review your application to determine if you met the minimum criteria for Express Entry, possessed the qualifications that resulted in your being invited to apply for permanent residence, and meet the program requirements for Federal Skilled Worked Program – FSW. In addition, we will determine if you are admissible to Canada.

CIC will notify you if you need to attend an interview. Information about the date and time of your interview and all necessary instructions will be sent to you through your MyCIC account.

CIC intends to process majority of Express Entry applications in six months or less. Processing times vary and the processing time for your application will depend on the unique details of your file.

Bridging open work permit

If you are currently working in Canada on a work permit that is about to expire, and you meet all other requirements, you may use this letter to apply for a bridging open work permit.

Let us know

If your situation changes, you must immediately tell CIC by visiting our website and filling out the Case Specific Enquiry form. (Click on the link to access this form. It is available on CIC’s website, only, and not through your MyCIC account.)

Specifically, let us know if:

  • you lose a job offer or lose a provincial or territorial nomination;
  • your family composition changes, e.g., birth or adoption of a child, marriage, divorce, etc.;
  • your mailing address or email address changes;
  • you change your immigration representative;
  • you want to withdraw your application.

Check your MyCIC account

CIC will communicate with you through your MyCIC account. It is your responsibility to check your account regularly so that you do not miss any updates from CIC.

Find out more about immigrating to Canada on our website.

Thank you for your interest in Canada.
