加拿大亲属担保移民财政评估表填写指南 Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283)

Guide IMM 5482 – Instruction to fill the Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283)

IMM 1283 表格主要用于团聚父母,兄弟等人移民加拿大,并且不适用与魁北克居民(Quebec residents need not complete this form)。夫妻团聚移民或者担保没有子女的子女移民不需要填写该表格,而是需要填写 5481 表:


The Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283) will help you assess if you (and your spouse or common-law partner, if he or she is co-signing the undertaking) will have the financial ability to support the persons you are planning to sponsor and their family members.

If you are sponsoring a person other than:

  • your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner who has no family members, or
  • your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner who has dependent children who have no dependent children of their own, or
  • your child who has no children of his or her own,

you must prove that you have an annual income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income to support the group of persons consisting of:

  • yourself and your family members, whether they are living with you or not;
  • the person you are sponsoring and his or her family members;
  • every other person you have sponsored in the past and their family members, where an undertaking is still in effect or is not yet in effect;
  • every other person for whom you have co-signed an undertaking that is still in effect or is not yet in effect; and
  • every person not included above for whom your spouse or common-law partner has given or co-signed an undertaking that is still in effect or is not yet in effect, if your spouse or common-law partner is co-signing your current sponsorship undertaking.

If you declared bankruptcy and are required to meet settlement arrangements, income earned during the period of the bankruptcy cannot be considered.

飞出国:在担保人自己不能满足担保要求时,配偶可以作为共同担保人 Co-signer,共同担保人也需要满足同样的要求:

If you have to meet financial requirements and do not have enough money to sponsor your relatives on your own, your spouse or common-law partner may help you meet the income requirement by co-signing the undertaking.

The co-signer must:

  • meet the same eligibility requirements as the sponsor;
  • agree to co-sign your application to sponsor; and,
  • agree to be responsible for the basic requirements of the persons you want to sponsor and their family members for the term of the undertaking.

The co-signer will be equally liable if commitments are not met. If you are sponsoring a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, you cannot have a co-signer. If you are sponsoring a dependent child who does not have children of his or her own, you do not need a co-signer.

飞出国:实际情况下,一个人担保多个亲属移民加拿大的情况比较少,一般是担保一方父母或担保双方父母移民,这种情况下根据自身家庭成员数及被担保人数计算最低年收入就可以了,2016 年加拿大联邦的 Low Income Cut-Off 见下表。该收入要求每年都有微调。

Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor) $24,328
2 persons $30,286
3 persons $37,234
4 persons $45,206
5 persons $51,272
6 persons $57,826
7 persons $64,381
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $6,555

更详细的请参考加拿大移民部 IRCC 官方指南: Guide IMM 5482 – Instruction to fill the Financial Evaluation form (IMM 1283)