昆州远北指定区域移民协议 (Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement)

飞出国:昆州远北地区与澳洲政府签定了昆州远北指定区域移民协议(Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement),旨在解决该地区当前的劳动力市场短缺问题及当地的就业问题。此项目属于雇主担保签证项目,个人不得独立申请。

昆州远北指定区域移民协议(FNQ DAMA)允许昆州远北地区(FNQ)的雇主担保熟练和半熟练海外工作者来从事他们无法用当地工人填补的职位。FNQ DAMA使用临时技术短缺签证(TSS 482类别)的劳工协议,获得移民局批准的劳工协议的企业,可以根据该协议,担保海外劳工申请482签证。总共约有70个职业可以申请,且绝大部分职业3年后可以转永居。

FNQ DAMA的主要特点-飞出国

  • 特定的职业通过FNQ DAMA获得TSS签证之后可以转永居

  • 涵盖的职业范围广,反映了FNQ技术和半技术工作者的短缺

  • 有些职业有英语语言特许权

  • 有些职业有资质和工作经验特许权

  • 反映FNQ市场价格的工资,确保工人的就业条款和工作条件不受损害

  • 采取一系列风险和诚信措施,确保雇员和雇主的权利得到保护

  • FNQ DAMA协议期为五年

FNQ DAMA对雇主的要求-飞出国

  • 公司位于FNQ指定区域(Cairns, Port Douglas, Atherton, Mareeba or Cassowary Coast local government areas)

  • 公司持续运营时间已超过12个月

  • 没有违反履行对员工的义务

  • 需要聘用海外申请人从事公司的全职岗位,该岗位的职责符合FNQ DAMA职业列表上的职业要求

  • 需要证明所招聘的岗位是当地澳洲公民或者永久居民无法胜任的

  • 聘用海外申请人的雇佣条款需要与聘用澳洲本地员工的条款保持一致

The Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement (FNQ DAMA) allows Far North Queensland (FNQ) employers to sponsor skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers for positions they are unable to fill with local workers. The FNQ DAMA is tailored to address current and emerging labour market shortages and local terms and conditions of employment. The FNQ DAMA utilises the labour agreement stream of the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482). Businesses approved for a labour agreement with the Department of Home Affairs can nominate overseas workers under the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS subclass 482) visa program - many of the occupations also have access to apply for a permanent visa pathway after three years. Employers must first be endorsed by the Designated Area Representative (DAR) before submitting a DAMA Labour Agreement request with the Department of Home Affairs.

The key elements of FNQ DAMA are:

  • pathways to permanent residency for holders of TSS visas granted under the FNQ DAMA in select occupations
  • a broad range of occupations that reflect FNQ skilled and semi-skilled shortages, with no caveats to apply
  • English language concessions for some occupations
  • salary concessions that reflect FNQ market rates, ensuring that worker terms and conditions of employment are not eroded
  • concessions relating to qualifications and experience for some occupations
  • a range of risk and integrity actions to ensure that the rights of both employees and employers are protected
  • a five year agreement to reduce red tape.

Businesses can access the FNQ DAMA if they are actively operating within the Cairns, Port Douglas, Atherton, Mareeba or Cassowary Coast local government areas and:

  • are viable and have been operating for at least 12 months
  • have no history of not meeting its obligations to employees
  • are looking to employ overseas workers to fill full-time positions with duties that align with one of the occupations on the FNQ DAMA list
  • can demonstrate they cannot fill the position locally with Australian citizens or permanent residents
  • can provide terms and conditions of employment to overseas workers that are in accordance with those offered to Australian workers employed in the region.
