从 汉森国际学院 Hanson International Academy(卑诗省新威斯敏斯特) 继续讨论:
汉森国际学院-ESL课程介绍-Hanson International Academy-English as a Second Language
EAP课程English for Academic Purposes
- 简介:此课程英语水平等级为CLB 6-7,是正式开始学习college课程之前的桥接课程。根据大学第一年的标准,核心课程主要关注学术阅读与写作、沟通技巧与策略、理解与批判性思维和研究技巧等。
- 申请要求:英语需达到CLB 3-4
- 课程时长:15周,18学时/周,总共270学时
- 费用:3265.70加币
- 简介:此课程英语水平等级为CLB 6-7,是针对想提高英语水平的合格学生开设的。学生将专注学习语言技能,包括语法,阅读和写作,沟通和表达技巧,批判性思维技能,和基本生活技能。核心课程主要关注学术和职业发展,包括职业准备科目,学习策略,商业部分和领域以及媒体研究。
- 申请要求:英语需达到CLB 4-5
- 课程时长:15周,6学时/周,总共90学时
- 费用:1017.00加币
ESL Center
Program Descriptions – English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
English for Academic Purposes
Full-Time Program
EAP 1001
CLB 6-7
CLB 3-4
Brief Description:
Full-time EAP is a pre-sessional bridging program taken in the first semester, prior to commencing college programs. Students will learn effective skills and strategies that will help them meet language proficiency requirements. In this course, an equal emphasis is placed on essential study skills and English language acquisition. The core-curriculum will focus on academic reading and writing, communication skills and strategies, comprehension and critical thinking and research skills, in accordance with first-year college standards.
Length of Course:
15 weeks
18 hours/ week
270 hours total
English for Academic Purposes:
Part-Time Program
EAP 1001
CLB 6-7
CLB 4-5
Brief Description:
Part-time EAP is an intensive course that allows academically qualified students the opportunity to develop and enhance their language skills in order to succeed in college. In this course, students will focus on specific language skills including grammar, academic reading and writing, communication and presentation skills and strategies, critical thinking skills, and essential life skills. The core-curriculum focuses heavily on themes relating to academic and professional development, and includes subjects pertaining to career preparation, study strategies, business sectors and industries, and media studies.
Length of Course:
15 weeks
6 hours/week
90 hours total
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