加速! 加拿大签证审理数量破纪录,EE类申请迎来好时机!

2022年12月19日加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 报告称,自今年 8 月以来,IRCC 已减少了近 50 万份申请积压。

截至2022年 11 月底,IRCC 处理了大约 480 万份申请——几乎是去年同期处理的 250 万份申请的两倍



IRCC 在 2022 年处理了近 700,000 个工作许可和 670,000 个学习许可。

对于学签的处理,加拿大今年创下新纪录!截至今年 11 月 30 日,IRCC 已经处理了超过 670,000 个学习签证。大多数新的学习许可现在都可以在 60 天内处理完。

工作签证的处理也有了很大的改善,到 11 月 30 日,处理了近 700,000 个工作签证,而在2019年同期只处理了约 223,000 个。

IRCC 继续减少积压并更快地处理访客签证,以响应越来越多的想访问加拿大的人。 按月计算,加拿大现在处理的访客签证申请比大流行之前要多。 仅在 11 月,就处理了超过 260,000 个访客签证。

Temporary residence: bringing more visitors, students and workers to Canada

For study permit processing, Canada is on pace to set a new record this year. As of November 30 this year, IRCC had processed over 670,000 study permits, compared to more than 500,000 during the same time period last year. As a result of these efforts, most new study permits are now being processed within the 60-day service standard.

Work permit processing also saw vast improvements, with nearly 700,000 work permits processed by November 30, compared to about 223,000 during the same period in 2019, before the pandemic.

IRCC continues to reduce backlogs and process visitor visas more quickly to respond to the growing number of people who want to visit Canada. On a monthly basis, Canada is now processing more visitor visa applications than it did prior to the pandemic. In November alone, over 260,000 visitor visas were processed. By contrast, the monthly average in 2019 was about 180,000 applications.


PR审理方面,2022年前11个月,加拿大已经迎来414,000名新移民。IRCC 有望在 2022 年底之前接纳破纪录的 431,000 名新永久居民进入加拿大。

IRCC表示所有新的配偶担保申请现在都能在12 个月内处理

新的快速通道申请(EE类项目)可以在 6个月内处理完

永久居民在续枫叶卡时等待时间也有望缩短,因为 IRCC 已将续枫叶卡申请的积压减少了 99%。

Permanent residence: improving service and reuniting spouses and families**

Canada welcomed a record-breaking 405,000 new permanent residents in 2021, surpassing the previous record from 1913. After another record year in 2022, Canada remains on track to reach its target of more than 431,000 new permanent residents.

IRCC has also been modernizing services and adding support for permanent residence programs to better serve our clients. Thanks to these efforts, all new spousal sponsorship applications are now processed within the pre-pandemic service standard of 12 months and new Express Entry applications within 6 months. Permanent residents can also expect shorter wait times when renewing their permanent resident cards as IRCC has reduced its pandemic backlog of applications for card renewals by 99%.

为了提高服务质量,提升审理速度,IRCC 对申请进行了数字化处理,雇用和培训了新员工,简化了流程,并利用自动化技术来提高处理效率,该部门有望实现其目标,即大多数项目中80%的申请可以在服务标准范围内完成审理。

EE类项目的审理正在加速,这意味着申请人将可以在更短的时间内拿到PR。针对EE类的省提名项目,目前小编比较推荐的是阿省EE tech 省提名项目BC省提名EE类别
