正式进入EE池子通知模板-Welcome to Express Entry

Job bank注册发布完成后,系统收到以下邮件,告知已正式进入EE池子,等待筛选。

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Express Entry Profile:


Congratulations! You have been accepted to the Express Entry pool of candidates.
Visit your MyCIC homepage to review the following information:

  • the program(s) for which you are eligible
  • your score in the Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System
  • your Express Entry profile number
  • your Express Entry profile expiry date

What happens next

We will rank candidates in the pool and have regular draws to invite top candidates to apply for permanent residence through one of Canada’s economic immigration programs. You must have an invitation from CIC before you can apply for permanent residence in these programs.

If you get a high score and are a top-ranked candidate in the Express Entry pool, you will be considered for an invitation to apply. If you are invited to apply, we will send you a message through your MyCIC account.

Your responsibilities

  1. Keep your information up to date

    You must make sure that the information in your profile stays true and accurate at all times. If your situation changes (for example, you get a new language test, have a baby, or start a new career), you must update your profile.

    WARNING: If we invite you to apply for permanent residence, you will need to show proof of the information you gave us in your Express Entry profile. Your application for permanent residence will be refused if the information in your Express Entry profile is not true or cannot be verified. Untrue claims may result in you being barred from Canada for five years.

    If we find that you misrepresented yourself (gave us false information or left out important details), we will refuse your application. You could also:

    • be barred from entering Canada for at least five years,
    • have a permanent record of fraud with CIC, or
    • be charged with a crime.
  2. Try to improve your score

    To improve your score and increase your chances of being drawn from the pool, you may want to:

    • promote yourself to employers in Canada and seek a valid job offer,
    • contact provinces and territories to be considered for the Provincial Nominee Program,
    • improve your language score,
    • get a higher level of education, or
    • gain more work experience.
  3. Start getting your documents ready

If we invite you to apply, you will have 60 days to fill out and submit your application. Some documents (for example, police certificates) may be hard to get. You should start trying to get these documents right away, so that you can apply within the 60 days.

See http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.asp for more information about the documents you will need to submit if you are invited.

If you are invited to apply, you will get a personalized document checklist after you have completed the application form.

请问这个是job bank注册完后就会收到的邮件吗?我刚收到邮件说job bank 成功注册,但是并没有收到正式进入EE池的邮件?是需要几天还是怎么

Job Bank填写完成后,一般都是当天会在EE里面看到消息通知成功进入池子的。

好的。谢谢 我刚查了一下 没看到通知,但是在job bank 那一行显示的是accepted,是不是就行了
