
00012 高管-财务、通信及其他商业服务Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services
10011 人力资源经理Human resources managers
10022 广告, 营销, 以及公共关系经理Advertising, marketing and public relations manager
10030 电信运营商经理Telecommunication carriers manager
11200 人力资源专业人员Human resources professionals
11202 广告、市场营销及公共关系职业Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations
12101 人力资源及招聘人员Human resources and recruitment officers
20010 工程经理Engineering managers
20011 建筑和科学经理Architecture and science managers
20012 计算机和信息系统经理Computer and information systems managers
21210 数学家、统计学家和精算师Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
21211 数据科学家Data scientists
21220 网络安全专家Cybersecurity specialists
21221 业务系统专家Business system specialists
21222 信息系统专家Information systems specialists
21233 网页设计师Web designers
21223 数据库分析师和数据管理员Database analysts and data administrators
21231 软件工程师和设计师Software engineers and designers
21230 计算机系统开发人员和程序员Computer systems developers and programmers
21232 软件开发人员和程序员Software developers and programmers
21234 web开发人员和程序员Web developers and programmers
21300 土木工程师Civil engineers
21301 机械工程师Mechanical engineers
21310 电气和电子工程师Electrical and electronics engineers
21311 计算机工程师Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
22110 生物技师和技术员Biological technologists and technicians
22212 制图技术人员Drafting technologists and technicians
22220 计算机网络和网络技术人员Computer network and web technicians
22221 用户支持技术人员User support technicians
22222 信息系统测试技术员Information systems testing technicians
22301 机械工程技术人员Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
22302 工业工程和制造技术人员Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
22310 电气电子工程技术人员Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
32120 医学检验技术人员Medical laboratory technologists
32129 其他医疗技师及技术员Other medical technologists and technicians
33101 医疗实验助手和相关技术职业Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations
41402 商业发展干事及营销研究人员及顾问Business development officers and market researchers and analysts
50011 经理-出版,影片, 传播和表演艺术Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
51120 制作人、导演、编舞人员和相关职业Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
52120 平面设计师和插画家Graphic designers and illustrators
60010 公司销售经理Corporate sales managers
72200 电工(工业和电力系统除外)Electricians (except industrial and power system)
72201 工业电工Industrial electricians
72205 电信设备安装及有线电视服务技术人员Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians