新不伦瑞克省提名EE类别申请条件(NB EELMS Eligibility Requirements)

新不伦瑞克省提名EE类别申请条件(NB EELMS Eligibility Requirements) - 飞出国

1.EELMS 语言要求 - 飞出国

  • 当前的要求是要达到:CLB7(G类雅思4个6,法语TEF听249-279,读 207-232,写310-348,说 310-348);
  • 可以接受的语言成绩:G类雅思;CELPIP-General(Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program); Test d’Évaluation de Français ;
  • 语言成绩必须是2年之内的;

2.EELMS 教育要求 - 飞出国

  • 最低要求高中毕业;
  • 提供:加拿大毕业证书;或者指定机构提供的加拿大ECA学历认证;
  • 指定的机构:
    • Comparative Education Service – University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies (CES)
    • International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS)
    • World Education Services (WES)
  • 如果申请职业是医生或者药剂师( physician or pharmacist),需要向以下机构申请学历认证:
    • Medical Council of Canada (MCC) for international medical graduates (IMG);
    • Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) for internationally trained pharmacists


3.EELMS 工作经验 - 飞出国

  • 必须有至少1年的主要工作的连续全职的工作经验(或者等同的连续、有偿、兼职工作经验);
  • 所从事的工作必须是NOC中0、A、B级别的,主要看你近10年所从事的主要工作的级别。
  • You must have at least one year (1,560 hours minimum) of continuous full-time (or equivalent in continuous, paid part-time) experience in your primary occupation.
  • For the NBPNP Express Entry program stream, your work experience must be in a NOC O, A, or B occupation. This should be identified in your application as your primary occupation in the 10 years before your application submission. Proof of this experience will be required.

4.EELMS 年龄要求 - 飞出国

年龄在22-55岁之间。年龄评估的时间是在你递交了移民申请并且收到NBNPN FN号的那天。

Your age is assessed as of the day your application for permanent residence is received at the NBPNP and you are assigned a file number.

5.EELMS 资金证明 - 飞出国

  • 需要证明有足够的资金支持你和所有家庭成员(即使他们不随行)。此资金不能是向他人借来的;
  • 申请的时候,需要向所在国家的加拿大签证办公室证明有足够的资金;
  • 资金必须是主申或者随行配偶名下的。资金必须是没有债务限制的(比如不能是房地产)、可转移的并且是属于你的。
  • 具体的资金要求根据家庭成员的不同而不同,与联邦EE资金要求一样
  • 以下情况无需提供资金证明:
  • 当前持有有效加拿大工作安排offer;
  • 当前在加拿大工作,或者被授权可以在加拿大工作。

6.EELMS 定居计划 - 飞出国

需要签署和提交一份 NB commitment form(NBPNP 001

7.满足 NBPNP 67分的 EELMS 评分标准 - 飞出国

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me





2016 年 NBPNP Express Entry 类别允许3类人申请,与NB有较紧密联系,例如在NB工作过,有NB学历,亲属,法语好,信息技术,业务和财务分析,零售贸易,酒店管理,厨师,制造经理等职业会被优先处理;另外就是参加过 NB 移民说明会的;再次就是IT类紧缺职业(ICT 业务分析,软件,硬件,网络,系统管理等)。

详见2016版指南:NBPNP-ExpressEntryGuide-E-20160714-flyabroad.pdf (439.6 KB)。

Express Entry Labour Market Stream (EELMS).

The NBPNP is only accepting expression of interest (EOI) forms from individuals who demonstrate that they have:

  1. [a connection to New Brunswick] as described below; or
  2. [attended a NBPNP information session] in person in the past two years (no more than two years prior to the submission of an EOI); or
  3. [IT skills] (Currently not accepting Open Category EOIs).

1. Connection to New Brunswick

The NBPNP will accept EOI forms continuously (any day of the week) from individuals who demonstrate at least one connection to New Brunswick, described below. More specifically, candidates who:

  • are working in New Brunswick; please write “Connection to New Brunswick” and the keyword “work” in your email as the subject
  • have received post-secondary education diplomas from a recognized New Brunswick institution; please include “education” in your email subject
  • have relatives who have been living in New Brunswick as permanent residents or Canadian citizens for at least one year; please include “relatives” in your email subject
  • have worked full-time in New Brunswick for at least one year in the past five years; please include “Previous NB work experience” in your email subject
  • have a full-time, permanent offer of employment from a New Brunswick company; please include “job offer” in your email subject
  • have French as their first language which is backed by their Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) certificate.

Candidates must also apply for one of the professions listed below; please include “French” in your email subject

Please be reminded that when you submit your EOI form by email, you must put the following text in the subject line: Connection to New Brunswickkeyword (listed above). Failure to do so will void your EOI.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Preference will be given to individuals who, in addition to demonstrating a valid connection to New Brunswick, also have work experience in a priority occupation, listed below in Table 1.

2. Attended a New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) Information Session in the Past 24 Months

The NBPNP accepts EOI forms continuously (any day of the week) from individuals who have attended a NBPNP information session or have met with NBPNP staff at a domestic or international recruitment event in the past two years.

You must demonstrate that you have attended an information session. For instance, provide your registration date and event or name of the NBPNP staff you met and state the place and date.

When you submit your EOI, you must put the following in the subject line: **NBPNP Information Session/Recruitment Event and Date. Failure to do so will void your EOI. For example: “**Subject: NBPNP Information Session/London Working In; September 20, 2014”.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Priority will be given to individuals who have work experience in a high demand occupation, listed below in Table 1.

We only accept EOIs that fall under the two above categories. If the NBPNP broadens the selection process beyond these two categories, we will state it on our Express Entry web page.

Table 1:

Information technology: programmers, analysts, technical customer support, sales Industrial mechanics
Business and financial analysts Industrial electricians
Retail trade managers Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
Hospitality managers and cooks with formal professional education Translators (English into French)
Manufacturing managers Administrative Assistants

All individuals who fall under one or both of the above categories MUST also meet the minimum eligibility criteria, described in the Guide on pages 7-9 of the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) ― Express Entry Labour Market Stream (EELMS).

3. IT Skills (Open Category)

(Only the following NOC codes are eligible under Open Category: 2171; 2172; 2174; 2175; 2281).

EOI submitters may receive an invitation to apply to the NBPNP Express Entry from the Province, based on identified demand in the IT sector.

When submitting your EOI, please make sure to place the following into the subject line:

  • Open Category; NOC code and job title: for example, NOC 2174, Software Developer
  • Specific skill: for example, Java, C++

The subject line for this example would be: Open Category: NOC 2174, Software Developer; Java, C++

Please be sure to attach your resume with your EOI.

*Please do not contact the NBPNP staff regarding your EOI. You will only hear from the NBPNP staff if your EOI is selected.

Positions in demand

Software Developer (general), minimum of three years of experience, including any of the following skills:

Java or C++, Python, SQL, Linux

Quality Assurance Engineer (QA Engineer), minimum of three years of experience, including any of the following skills:

C++, Java, Java script, Node.js, Perl, Python, Linux, SQL, XML

Mobile Developer, minimum of three years of experience, Including any of the following skills:

C++, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, OpenCV, AngularJS, Django, Git, AWS, Azure

UI/UX Developer, minimum of three years of experience, including any of the following skills:

Java, JavaScript, CSS, UI development experience, Ajax, HTML5, design skills

Finally, the recruitment of highly skilled Francophones is a priority for New Brunswick to maintain the linguistic balance of the Province. We encourage people who can demonstrate advanced French language ability through a Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) and have a desire to be part of our vibrant Francophone community, to submit their EOI as soon as possible because they will be given priority.

2017 年 1 月 NBPNP EELMS 申请进一步紧缩,当前 EELMS 只允许有 NB job offer,在 NB 工作,在 NB 留过学,有 NB 亲属,法语作为第一语言且达到 CLB 7(TEF-Canada 听249-279,读 207-232,写310-348,说 310-348)的申请人提交 NB EOI 。

Eligibility Criteria - Important information on EOIs - NBPNP EELMS

FCGvisa: The NBPNP Express Entry Labour Market stream is temporarily only accepting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from individuals with a connection to New Brunswick such as the following:

  • Job offer in New Brunswick
  • Working in New Brunswick
  • Post-secondary education in New Brunswick
  • Relatives in New Brunswick
  • French as their first language which is backed by their Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) certificate:
    • This cannot be the TEF for Quebec (TEFAQ)
    • The results must be at least at the Canada Language Benchmark level 7 for all four skills

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:2017年9月,NBPNP EE 类别(New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream)临时对近2年内参加过 NB 宣讲会(information session since September 1, 2015)的特定紧缺职业的申请人,这些职业包括:

  • 2171 信息系统分析师,
  • 2281 计算机网络技术员
  • 2173 软件工程师
  • 2172 数据库分析师和管理员
  • 2174 计算机程序员和互动媒体开发
  • 3012 注册护士
  • 3233 执照护士
  • 6322 厨师
  • 0631 餐厅和食品服务经理
  • 1311 会计技师和簿记员
  • 0311 健康护理经理
  • 6211 零售服务主管
  • 1111 财务审计和会计

飞出国:满足上面宣讲会及紧缺职业要求,同时符合 NB EELMS 的基本申请条件(见一楼)就可以提交 NB EOI 申请了。该类别职业配额没有对外发布,但一旦满额会再次关闭。当前不受配额影响一直开放的是当前已经在NB 工作或获得NB雇主offer的申请人。

PLEASE NOTE: The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) is temporarily opening the Expression of Interest (EOI) process to applicants who have attended an information session in the previous 24 months (since September 1, 2015) and who also are in one of the priority occupations listed below:

  • Information systems analysts and consultants (2171)
  • Computer network technician (2281)
  • Software engineers and designers (2173)
  • Database analysts and data administrators (2172)
  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers (2174)
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses (3012)
  • Licensed practical nurses (3233)
  • Cooks (6322)
  • Restaurant and food service managers (0631)
  • Accounting technicians and bookkeepers (1311)
  • Managers in health care (0311)
  • Retail sales supervisors (6211)
  • Financial auditors and accountants (1111)

To submit an EOI, you must meet all New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream criteria, including a valid and current language exam, an educational credential assessment, sufficient funds, relevant work experience, and all other criteria.

Please include the following information in the subject line: location and date of information session; and, occupational title.

If you do not include this information, your EOI will not be considered.

Once the provincial quota has been reached, we will close the temporary opening to new EOIs.

After the temporary opening is closed, we will only be accepting EOIs from individuals currently working in New Brunswick or individuals with a job offer from a New Brunswick company.

NOTE: For applicants who are trained and experienced in a regulated occupation (which requires a license or certificate to practice), be aware that there will be additional steps you need to take prior to working in your occupation.

Please be aware that meeting the above does not guarantee that your EOI will be accepted.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
