安省省提名 EE 类别2020年 NOI 邀请记录

安省省提名 EE 类别 2020年 NOI 邀请记录 - 飞出国


本次邀请的是:安省法语类别 FSSW, 邀请人数242人。


NOIs issued in 2020 to date

  • Human Capital Priorities Stream - 0
  • French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream - 242
  • Skilled Trades Stream - 0

French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

Date/time NOIs issued Number of NOIs issued Profiles created in IRCC’s Express Entry system
January 9, 2020 9:20 a.m. EST 242 January 9, 2019 – January 9, 2020

安省法语类别基本申请条件 - 飞出国

  • 满足联邦技术移民或联邦经验类移民要求并成功注册EE(达到联邦67分);
  • 注册EE时意向居住地选安省或所有省份及领地;
  • 工作经验:
    • FSW类工作经验:近五年中至少一年连续的全职带薪工作或等同兼职,职业类别属于NOC中0、A、B类;
    • CEC类工作经验:近五年中至少一年连续的全职带薪工作或等同兼职,职业类别属于NOC中0、A、B类(加拿大工作经验须经过授权,自雇或学习期间工作经验不算在内);
  • 学历在学士学位及以上水平,需进行加拿大学历认证;
  • 法语水平至少达到CLB7,英语水平至少达到CLB6;
  • 支持所有家庭成员在安省生活的安家资金,无论随行与否,都需要算在内;
  • 有在安省定居的意向。

值得注意的是,本次邀请的申请人CRS打分是433-472之间,这个分数着实不低。以往安省法语类别发邀请时很少公布邀请分数,飞出国以往被邀请的客户中,CRS打分350分左右的申请就成功获邀。 但是本次邀请的分数明显比以往高出很多。没办法,优秀的人实在太多!

Did you receive a Notification of Interest?

On January 9, 2020 the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream.

To manage demand, NOIs were issued to candidates who had a Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) between 433 and 472.

If you received a NOI, you do not need to contact the program. Please review the criteria below prior to submitting an application.



是的,安省 French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream是要以法语为第一语言的。

飞出国:加拿大时间2020年1月15日, 安省Human Capital Priorities Stream发出2020年首轮邀请, 本次邀请的是Tech Draw, 涉及的职业是2173, 2174, 2147, 2175, 2172, 0213, 邀请分数460~472

Date/time NOIs
Number of
NOIs issued
Profiles created in IRCC’s
Express Entry system
CRS score
Janaury 15, 2020
10:00 am EST
954 January 15, 2019 – January 15, 2020 460-472 Targeted draw - Tech Draw

飞出国:加拿大时间2020年2月13日, 安省Human Capital Priorities Stream类别发出2020年第二次邀请,邀请人数486,邀请分数 467~ 471,本轮邀请的职业:

  • Financial managers, NOC 0111 财务经理
  • Other administrative services managers, NOC 0114 其他行政服务经理
  • Advertising, marketing and public relations managers, NOC 0124 广告,市场营销和公共关系经理
  • Corporate sales managers, NOC 0601 销售经理
  • Retail and wholesale trade managers, NOC 0621 零售和批发贸易经理
  • Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c., NOC 0651 客户和个人服务经理,NEC
  • Financial auditors and accountants, NOC 1111 财务审计师和会计师
  • Other financial officers, NOC 1114 其他财务人员
  • Professional occupations in business management consulting, NOC 1122 企业管理咨询的专业职业
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses, NOC 3012 注册护士及注册精神科护士


  • 7235 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters 结构金属和钣金制造者及装配工
  • 7236 Ironworkers 钢铁工人
  • 7241 Electricians 电工
  • 7244 Electrical power line and cable workers 电源线路和电缆工人
  • 7252 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工
  • 7271 Carpenters 木工
  • 7282 Concrete finishers 混凝土整理工
  • 7291 Roofers 屋顶工
  • 7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员
  • 7312 Heavy duty equip mechanics 重型设备技工
  • 7313 Refrigeration and AC mechanics 制冷与空调技工
  • 7316 Machine fitters 机械钳工
  • 7318 Elevator constructors and mechanics 电梯制造商和修理工
  • 7371 Crane operators 起重机操作员

April 29, 2020

Issuance of Notifications of Interest by Targeted Occupations under Ontario’s Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream

On April 29, 2020 the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued targeted Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry Skilled Trades stream. If you received a NOI, you do not need to contact the program.

The OINP targeted candidates with work experience in the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes:

7235 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
7236 Ironworkers
7241 Electricians
7244 Electrical power line and cable workers
7252 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers
7271 Carpenters
7282 Concrete finishers
7291 Roofers
7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
7312 Heavy duty equip mechanics
7313 Refrigeration and AC mechanics
7316 Machine fitters
7318 Elevator constructors and mechanics
7371 Crane operators

To be eligible for nomination, applicants must demonstrate work experience in one of the eligible NOC codes. Your application may be refused if you do not demonstrate work experience in one of the eligible NOC codes.

By choosing priority occupations that are in high demand in Ontario, we’re helping to make it easier for businesses to recruit top talent in the Skilled Trades sector.


April 30, 2020

Issuance of Notifications of Interest under Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

On April 30, 2020 the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream.

To manage demand, NOIs were issued to candidates who had a Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) between 432 and 454.


  • 0213 Computer and information systems managers 计算机和信息系统经理
  • 2147 Computer engineers 计算机工程师
  • 2172 Database analysts and data administrators 数据库分析人员和数据管理人员
  • 2173 Software engineers and designers 软件工程师和设计师
  • 2174 Computer programmer and interactive media developers 计算机程序员和交互式媒体开发人员
  • 2175 Web designers and developers 网页设计与开发人员

May 13, 2020

Tech Draw: Issuance of Notifications of Interest under Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream

On May 13, 2020, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued targeted Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates with Canadian work experience who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities (HCP) Stream. If you received a NOI, you do not need to contact the program.

The OINP targeted candidates with a CRS between 421 and 451, and work experience in the following NOC codes:

0213 Computer and information systems managers
2147 Computer engineers
2172 Database analysts and data administrators
2173 Software engineers and designers
2174 Computer programmer and interactive media developers
2175 Web designers and developers


第二次,167份定向邀请, 针对具备至少1年加拿大工作经验、CRS评分358-439分且工作为以下职业的申请人;

June 3, 2020

Issuance of Notifications of Interest by targeted occupations under Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream

On June 3, 2020, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued targeted Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities (HCP) Stream. If you received a NOI, you do not need to contact the program.

The OINP targeted candidates with work experience in the following NOC codes:

  • 0111 Financial managers
  • 0114 Other administrative services managers
  • 0124 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
  • 1111 Financial auditors and accountants
  • 1114 Other financial officers
  • 1122 Professional occupations in business management consulting
  • 3012 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
  • 3124 Other primary health practitioners
  • 3132 Dietitians and nutritionists

For candidates with one year or more of Canadian work experience, NOIs were issued to those with a CRS between 358 - 439.

For candidates with one year or more of foreign work experience, NOIs were issued to those with a CRS between 471 – 500.

飞出国:加拿大时间2020年6月17日,OINP安省省提名EE技工类别Skilled Trades stream发出758份邀请,邀请分数 400-436。

June 17, 2020

Issuance of Notifications of Interest under Ontario’s Express Entry Skilled Trades stream

On June 17, 2020 the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry Skilled Trades stream.

To manage demand, NOIs were issued to candidates who had a Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) between 400 and 436.

If you received a NOI, you do not need to contact the program. Please visit the Skilled Trades stream webpage for information about program criteria and how to apply.


June 18, 2020

Issuance of Notifications of Interest under Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

On June 18, 2020 the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates who may qualify for Ontario’s Express Entry French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream.

To manage demand, NOIs were issued to candidates who had a Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) between 424 and 436.

If you received a NOI, you do not need to contact the program. Please visit the French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream webpage for information about program criteria and how to apply.


飞出国:加拿大时间2020年7月29日,OINP安省省提名EE技能优先类别发出1288分定向邀请,本次邀请为Tech Draw,邀请分数为CRS评分463-477分,针对以下职业的申请人:

0213 Computer and information systems managers
2147 Computer engineers
2172 Database analysts and data administrators
2173 Software engineers and designers
2174 Computer programmer and interactive media developers
2175 Web designers and developers

飞出国: 加拿大时间2020年8月26日, 安省Human Capital Priorities Stream类别对 targeted occupations发出邀请,邀请人数703,邀请分数 466~ 475,本轮邀请的职业:

0111 Financial managers财务经理
0124 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers 广告,市场营销和公共关系经理
0601 Corporate sales managers销售经理
1111 Financial auditors and accountants 财务审计师和会计师
1114 Other financial officers 其他财务人员
1122 Professional occupations in business management consulting 企业管理咨询的专业职业
3012 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 注册护士及注册精神科护士
3124 Allied primary health practitioners专职初级医疗人员
3132 Dietitians and nutritionists 营养师和营养学家

飞出国: 加拿大时间2020年10月15日, 安省Human Capital Priorities Stream类别对 targeted occupations发出邀请,本次邀请Tech Draw, 邀请人数772,邀请分数 462~ 470,本轮邀请的职业:

  • 0213 Computer and information systems managers计算机和信息系统经理
  • 2147 Computer engineers 计算机工程师
  • 2172 Database analysts and data administrators 数据库分析师和数据管理员
  • 2173 Software engineers and designers软件工程师和设计师
  • 2174 Computer programmer and interactive media developers计算机程序员和互动媒体开发员
  • 2175 Web designers and developers网页设计师和开发员

飞出国: 加拿大时间2020年11月12日, 安省Human Capital Priorities Stream类别对 targeted occupations发出邀请,本次邀请Priority Occumpations, 邀请人数443,邀请分数 469 ~ 477,本轮邀请的职业:

  • 0111 – Financial managers财务经理
  • 0124 – Advertising, marketing and public relations managers广告、市场营销和公共关系经理
  • 0601 – Corporate sales managers企业销售经理
  • 1111 – Financial auditors and accountants财务审计师和会计师
  • 1114 – Other financial officers其他财务人员
  • 1122 – Professional occupations in business management consulting企业管理咨询专业职业
  • 3012 – Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 注册护士及注册精神科护士
  • 3124 – Allied primary health practitioners专职初级保健医生
  • 3132 – Dietitians and nutritionists营养师和营养学家

飞出国: 加拿大时间2020年12月15日, 安省Human Capital Priorities Stream类别对 targeted occupations发出邀请,本次邀请Priority Occumpations, 邀请人数668,邀请分数 460~468,本轮邀请的职业:

  • Software engineers and designers (NOC 2173)软件工程师和设计师
  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers (NOC 2174)计算机程序员和互动媒体开发员
  • Computer engineers (NOC 2147)计算机工程师
  • Web designers and developers (NOC 2175)网页设计师和开发员
  • Database analysts and data administrators (NOC 2172)数据库分析师和数据管理员
  • Computer and information systems managers (NOC 0213)计算机和信息系统经理