加拿大技术移民 EE 2015 年年终报告 Express Entry Year-End Report 2015

加拿大EE 2015中期报告 Express Entry Mid-Year Report 继续讨论:

到 2016年1月1日,加拿大快速通道 EE 类别正好实施一年,加拿大移民部与2015年8月发布了中期报告,又于 2016年3月31日(北京时间4月1日)发布了2015年全年报告(截止到2016年1月3日),下面飞出国对 EE 实施一年情况的报告进行分析说明。

2015年,加拿大EE共进行了23次邀请,总共发出 30696 份邀请。截止到2016年1月3日,池子里的有效申请还有 63937 个,其他的包括 88048 个不合格 profile,1303个因为 job bank 或省提名原因 pending 的 profile,另外 37991 个 profile 因为过期或没有及时提交全套资料或已经提交正式申请,已经 left the poll。

As of January 3, 2016, a total of 191,279 Express Entry profiles were submitted by foreign nationals. Of these, 88,048 were found not eligible because they did not meet the criteria of at least one of the three programs managed by the system; 1,303 were pending due to Job Bank registration or verification of their Provincial Nomination by a Province or Territory; 63,937 were in the pool as active candidates or with an outstanding invitation to apply; and, the remaining 37,991 profiles have left the pool.

Exit from the Express Entry pool occurs when a profile expired after being in the pool for a year or when a candidate does not decline an invitation to apply and does not submit an application in the 60-day mandatory period (2,656 profiles were expired as of January 3, 2016); when a profile is withdrawn from the pool by a candidate (13,684 as of January 3, 2016); or, when an application is submitted for processing (21,651 applications as of January 3, 2016).

2016年初 EE pool 申请概况 - 飞出国:

Candidates who decline their invitation to apply are returned to the pool as active candidates.

表1: 截止到 2016年1月3日提交的 profile 总数 Profiles submitted to the Express Entry Pool as of January 3rd, 2016 - 飞出国

Profiles submitted 191,279
Not eligible 88,048
Pending 1,303

表2: 有效 profiles Profiles in the pool as of January 3rd, 2016

有效 Active candidates 60,042
即将邀请 Invitation to apply outstanding 3,895

表3: 无效 profiles Profiles no longer in the pool as of January 3rd, 2016

Expired 2,656
Profile withdrawn from the pool 13,684
Applications submitted for processing 21,651

2016年1月3日,Express Entry CRS 分数分布情况:

在未被邀请的 60042 个有效申请里,350-399 分数段申请人最多,达到 21,851 个,其次是 300-349 分,有 18433 个,再次是 400-449 分,13537 个。超过 460 分的申请人大概有 900 个。整个 2015 年,EE 邀请的最低分数是 450 分,低于 450 分的申请人只能申请省提名。

Comprehensive Ranking System Score Distribution of Candidates in the Express Entry Pool as of January 3rd, 2016.
Comprehensive Ranking System Score Number of candidates
>1000 236
950 - 999 219
900 - 949 191
850 - 899 65
800 - 849 66
750 - 799 40
700 - 749 22
650 - 699 11
600 - 649 1
550 - 599 0
500 - 549 46
450 - 499 1,613
400 - 449 13,537
440 - 449 2,486
430 - 439 2,842
420 - 429 2,185
410 - 419 2,899
400 - 409 3,125
350 - 399 21,851
390 - 399 3,144
380 - 389 3,989
370 - 379 4,814
360 - 369 4,878
350 - 359 5,026
300 - 349 18,433
340 - 349 5,107
330 - 339 4,611
320 - 329 3,898
310 - 319 2,883
300 - 309 1,934
250 - 299 2,832
200 - 249 543
150 - 199 238
100 - 149 75
<100 23
Total 60,042

2015年发出邀请情况汇总,共发出 31063 份邀请,最低分数 450。其中加拿大技术移民总共 13214,最多,其次是 经验类 11228,省提名总共 4105,技工类 2516。

Invitations Issued by Economic Immigration Program in 2015
邀请轮数 邀请日期 CRS 最低分 邀请人数 超过600分比例 PNP 人数 联邦技术人数 联邦技工人数 CEC经验类人数
1 Jan. 31 886 779 100% 13 432 163 171
2 Feb. 7 818 779 100% 17 167 221 374
3 Feb. 20 808 849 100% 0 0 0 849
4 Feb. 27 735 1,187 100% 24 114 409 640
5 Mar. 20 481 1,620 75% 43 500 336 741
6 Mar. 27 453 1,637 20% 3 1,187 103 344
7 Apr. 10 469 925 70% 24 329 159 413
8 Apr. 17 453 715 41% 35 389 87 204
9 May 22 755 1,361 100% 278 240 253 590
10 June 12 482 1,501 68% 150 526 104 721
11 June 26 469 1,575 40% 111 925 52 487
12 Jul. 10 463 1,516 44% 96 829 68 523
13 Jul. 17 451 1,581 20% 42 1189 31 319
14 Aug. 7 471 1,402 69% 223 525 76 578
15 Aug. 21 456 1,523 42% 164 901 35 423
16 Sept. 8 459 1,517 50% 198 680 50 589
17 Sept. 18 450 1,545 35% 177 900 34 434
18 Oct. 2 450 1,530 50% 265 682 50 533
19 Oct. 23 489 1,502 90% 619 271 70 542
20 Nov. 13 484 1,506 86% 599 305 74 528
21 Nov. 27 472 1,559 52% 319 735 72 433
22 Dec. 4 461 1,451 29% 158 875 24 394
23 Dec. 18 460 1,503 65% 547 513 45 398
Total : 飞出国 31,063 60% 4,105 13,214 2,516 11,228

2015年 EE 邀请申请人分数分布,450-499 的申请人最多,达到 11222 人,其次是超过 1000 的强人,3357 人。

Express Entry Active Candidates and Invitations Issued as of January 3rd, 2016 by total CRS scores.
CRS Score Number of Active Candidates Number of Invitations Issued
>1000 236 3,357
950 - 999 219 2,383
900 - 949 191 2,976
850 - 899 65 2,849
800 - 849 66 3,075
750 - 799 40 2,601
700 - 749 22 1,033
650 - 699 11 267
550 - 599 0 12
500 - 549 46 1,259
450 - 499 1,613 11,222
400 - 449 13,537 -
350 - 399 21,851 -
300 - 349 18,433 -
250 - 299 2,832 -
200 - 249 543 -
150 - 199 238 -
100 -149 75 -
<100 23 -
Total 60,042 31,063


2015 年 EE 邀请里,没有 job offer 也没有省提名的独立技术申请人数有 12,493 个,有省提名或有 job offer 的 18570 个。

Express Entry Active Candidates and Invitations Issued as of January 3rd, 2016 by “Core” CRS scores
Core CRS Score # of Active Candidates Invitated candidates without a job offer or provincial nomination Invitated candidates with a job offer or provincial nomination
550 - 599 0 12 1
500 - 549 48 1,259 134
450 - 499 1,640 11,222 662
400 - 449 13,744 - 2560
350 - 399 22,070 - 2383
300 - 349 18,624 - 2976
250 - 299 2,897 - 2849
200 - 249 609 - 3075
150 - 199 278 - 2601
100 -149 97 - 1033
<100 35 - 296
Total 60,042 12,493 18,570

2015 年加拿大 EE 省提名情况 - 飞出国:

2015年加拿大移民部(IRCC)总共发出了 4,105 省提名邀请,由于重复提名情况,最终有效省提名数为 3960 个。其中 BC 最多,1528 个,其次是 ON 871 个,然后是 NS 656 个,再次是 SK 497 个。PEI,NB,MB 也都超过 100 个,AB 2015 年没有实施 EE,0 个 EE 类。NL 只有 1 个,NT 有 8 个。

Round Results: Provincial/Territorial participation

Express Entry Candidates Invited to Apply to the Provincial Nominee Program in 2015 by Province/Territory
PNC Province/Territory Number of candidates
British Columbia 1,528
Manitoba 110
New Brunswick 127
Newfoundland and Labrador 1
Nova Scotia 656
Northwest Territories 8
Ontario 871
Prince Edward Island 163
Saskatchewan 497
Grand Total 3,960

2015年 EE 十大热门职业排名,餐饮,厨师,IT,大学讲师,零售,平面设计,金融类申请人获邀请最多。

Invited candidates by occupation as of January 3, 2016
Top 10 Invited Occupations Number# %
NOC6311 - Food service supervisors 2,356 8%
NOC6322 - Cooks 2,295 8%
NOC2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants 1,255 4%
NOC2173 - Software Engineers 940 3%
NOC2174 - Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers 935 3%
NOC4011 - University professors and lecturers 745 3%
NOC6211 - Retail sales supervisors 669 2%
NOC5241 - Graphic Designers and Illustrators 550 2%
NOC1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants 494 2%
NOC1112 – Financial and Investment Analysts 446 2%
Top 10 10,685 38%

2015年加拿大 EE 十大移民居住地,其中在加拿大的临时居民(最主要的是留学生及工签持有者)比例最高,达到 78.1% ,其次是印度,然后是美国,中国只有 409 人获得 EE 邀请,占全部申请人数的 1.4% ,菲律宾更惨,只有 283 人,只占 1%。

Country of Residence of Invited Candidates as of January 3, 2016
Country of Residence Number # %
Canada 22,111 78.1%
India 1,745 6.2%
United States of America 622 2.2%
China, People’s Republic of 409 1.4%
England 294 1.0%
Philippines 283 1.0%
Nigeria 248 0.9%
United Arab Emirates 213 0.8%
Pakistan 159 0.6%
France 135 0.5%
Top 10 26,219 92.6%

2015年加拿大 EE 邀请人十大来源国,印度最多(包括在印度本土的和已经在加拿大的)6348,占 22.4%;菲律宾 3574 ,占 12.6%;中国总共 1678 ,占 5.9%。可见当前 EE 政策对中国申请人不利。

Country of Citizenship of Invited Candidates as of January 3, 2016
Country of Citizenship Number # %
India 6,348 22.4%
Philippines 3,574 12.6%
China, People’s Republic of 1,678 5.9%
United Kingdom 1,644 5.8%
Ireland, Republic Of 1,210 4.3%
United States of America 949 3.4%
Nigeria 609 2.2%
South Korea 605 2.1%
France 566 2.0%
Australia 540 1.9%
Top 10 17,723 62.6%
Country of Citizenship 2014 intake (FSW, CEC, FST)
India 33.9%
China, People's Republic of 9.9%
Philippines 8.2%
Pakistan 6.6%
Nigeria 4.8%
Bangladesh 3.6%
United Kingdom 3.0%
Iran 2.7%
Egypt 2.6%
United States of America 1.9%
Top 10 77.1%

2015年加拿大 EE 已经收到 21562 份EE下移民签证申请,总人数是 37424 人(包括配偶和子女)。已经签发 13241 份移民签证,并有 9739 人已经登陆加拿大。

Applications for Permanent Residence through Express Entry

As indicated in the table below, IRCC received 21,562 applications from candidates who were invited to apply for permanent residence during the invitation rounds, which represent 37,424 applicants and their family members. The majority of the applications are still in progress but 14,058 were approved resulting in 13,241 visas issued to principal applicants and their dependants; and, 9,739 admissions in Canada.

Aggregate Data on Applications for Permanent Residence through Express Entry as of January 3, 2016 (Total Persons)
Application Received Applications in Progress Applications Approved Visas Issued Admissions
37,424 15,246 14,058 13,241 9,739
Applications Received (in cases) in 2015 by Province of Destination
Province of Destination  FSW CEC FST PNP All Programs
Alberta 1,974 4,637 1,385 - 7,996
British Columbia 1,672 1,295 199 1,218 4,384
Manitoba 77 48 9 103 237
New Brunswick 29 19 2 89 139
Newfoundland 29 17 14 - 60
Northwest Territories 11 15 1 5 32
Nova Scotia 103 48 5 497 653
Nunavut 3 5 - - 8
Ontario 4,670 1,833 199 646 7,348
Prince Edward Island 7 5 - 122 134
Quebec - 3 - - 3
Saskatchewan 111 117 30 299 557
Yukon 7 4 - - 11
Grand Total 8,693 8,046 1,844 2,979 21,562

The majority of Express Entry candidates who submitted a permanent residence application to IRCC chose Alberta, Ontario or British Columbia as province of destination. This aligns with destination provinces prior to Express Entry and has been explained by a combination of community connections, services, infrastructure and most importantly, jobs.

只要获得 EE 邀请,EE 下签证审理速度是飞快的。FSW 是4.7个月,CEC是3.5个月,FST 是4.9个月,PNP饰3.8个月。

These are early results based on a small volume of applications and it is anticipated that processing times may likely grow in parallel with application volumes.  Processing times will continue to be monitored closely and any necessary action will be taken to continue meeting service standards such as adjustments to processing, measures to increase the quality and completeness of received applications, or reducing the number of invitations issued.

Processing Time for Express Entry Based on Final Decision Date
Application data Federal Skilled Workers (EE) Canadian Experience Class (EE) Skilled Trades (EE) Provincial/
Territorial Nominees (EE)
Total EE
80% of applications finalized in x months or less 4.7 3.5 4.9 3.8 4.4
Applications finalized 3,223 9,861 2,330 1,077 16,491

Applications finalized, in the table above, refers to applications approved (14,058) and refused (2,433) up to January 3, 2016

被邀请申请人中非留学生申请人申请的EE类别汇总,从侧面说明申请 FST 的大部分有加拿大留学经验,不然很难获得注册或执照。

Number of EE candidates Invited to Apply who have ever been in possession of a study permit by ITA category as of November 23, 2015
EE status Yes # Yes # Yes % No # No %
PNP 1,151 39 1,827 61 2,978
FSW 2,947 29 7,355 71 10,302
CEC 1,243 13 7,996 87 9,239
FST 70 3 2,161 97 2,231
Total 5,301 22 18,908 78 24,209



400-449 有 1万多申请人在排队,不可能都给。省提名配额是有限的,ON 去年通过 PNP 拿到签证的也就是650个申请左右。