
EA(Engineers Australia)主要评估工程师类的职业,包括 Professional Engineer专业工程师,Engineering Technologist工程技师,Engineering Associate工程助理和Engineering Manager工程经理。EA官方指南上有明确规定,评估这些职业需要有工学学位。

Professional Engineer工程师:16年教育年限,其中包括4年本科工学学位

The required academic qualification is an Australian 4 year Bachelor degree in engineering at a University following 12 years of schooling or comparable education.

Engineering Technologist工程技师:15年教育年限,其中包括3年本科工学学位

The required academic qualification is an Australian 3 year Bachelor of Technology degree in engineering following 12 years of schooling or comparable education.

Engineering Associate工程助理: 14年教育年限,其中包括2年大专或者本科工学学历

The required academic qualification is an Australian 2 year Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree in engineering following 12 years of schooling or comparable education.

Engineering Manager工程经理: 有工学或者工学相关本科或者更高学历

The required academic qualification is generally a Bachelor degree or higher in engineering or in an engineering related field following 12 years of schooling or comparable education.



