澳洲EA工程师评估233915 Environmental Engineer 环境工程师职业介绍

飞出国:233915 Environmental Engineer 环境工程师属于EA工程师评估的职业之一,本文主要结合澳洲ANZSCO官方职业介绍以及EA官方对于环境工程领域的定义来说明该职业。

ANZSCO定义233915 Environmental Engineer 环境工程师


Assesses the impact on air, water, soil and noise levels in the vicinity of engineering projects, plans and designs equipment and processes for the treatment and safe disposal of waste material, and assesses what may cause problems for the environment in the long-term. Registration or licensing is required.

EA工程领域定义Environmental Engineering 环境工程

  1. 环境工程师通过评估项目对其附近的空气、水、土壤和噪音水平的影响来关注保护环境。这是通过研究项目的设计、建设和运营并尽量减少可能对环境产生的任何不利影响来完成的。

Environmental Engineers are concerned with protecting the environment by assessing the impact a project has on the air, water, soil and noise levels in its vicinity. This is done by studying the project’s design, construction and operation and minimising any adverse effects that it may have on the environment.

  1. 环境工程师还参与解决过去活动引起的问题,例如清洁受污染的工业用地,以便将其用于住房。环境工程师预测事故可能导致哪些问题,例如漏油,并评估长期可能导致环境问题的因素。

Environmental Engineers are also involved in removing problems caused by past activity, such as cleaning contaminated industrial land so it can be used for housing. Environmental Engineers predict what problems may be caused by accidents, such as oil spills for example, and assess what may cause problems for the environment in the long term.

  1. 环境工程师规划和设计用于处理和安全处置废料的设备和流程,并指导自然资源的保护和明智使用。他们参与替代能源、水回收、废物处理和回收利用的研究和开发。

They also plan and design equipment and processes for the treatment and safe disposal of waste material and direct the conservation and wise use of natural resources. They are involved in research and development of alternative energy sources, water reclamation, waste treatment and recycling.

  1. 环境工程师可以工作于政府部门或私营部门的资源加工公司,比如担任咨询工程师。

Environmental Engineers may work with government departments or in the private sector with resource processing companies as Consulting Engineers.