澳洲EA工程师评估233511 Industrial Engineer 工业工程师职业介绍

飞出国:233511 Industrial Engineer 工业工程师属于EA工程师评估的职业之一,本文主要结合澳洲ANZSCO官方职业介绍以及EA官方对于工业工程领域的定义来说明该职业。

ANZSCO定义233511 Industrial Engineer 工业工程师

  1. 工业工程师调查和审查人员、设施、设备和材料、当前的操作流程和既定做法的使用,以建议改进各种商业、工业和生产环境中的操作质量和效率。可能需要注册或工作许可。

Investigates and reviews the utilisation of personnel, facilities, equipment and materials, current operational processes and established practices, to recommend improvement in the efficiency of operations in a variety of commercial, industrial and production environments. Registration or licensing may be required.

  1. 工业工程师专业分类:
  • 工程保障工程师 Engineering Assurance Engineer
  • 综合后勤保障工程师 Integrated Logistics Support Engineer
  • 工艺工程师(工业)Process Engineer (Industrial)

EA工程领域定义Industrial Engineering 工业工程

  1. 工业工程涉及人力资源、材料、设备和财务的集成系统的设计、改进和安装。

Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of human resources, materials, equipment and finance.

  1. 工业工程利用数学、物理、生理和社会科学方面的专业知识和技能以及工程分析和设计的原理和方法来明确、预测和评估从这些系统中获得的结果并衡量成就。

Industrial Engineering draws upon specialised knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, physiological and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems and measure achievement.

  1. 工业工程是一门致力于从可用资源中获得最佳结果的科学,同时仍确保满足项目的质量和期望。

Industrial Engineering is a science devoted to getting the best results from available resources, whilst still ensuring that the quality and expectations of the project are met.