澳洲EA工程师评估233215 Transport Engineer 交通工程师职业介绍

飞出国:233215 Transport Engineer 交通工程师属于EA工程师评估的职业之一,本文主要结合澳洲ANZSCO官方职业介绍以及EA官方对于交通工程领域的定义来说明该职业。

ANZSCO定义233215 Transport Engineer 交通工程师

  1. 交通工程师规划和开发运输系统以提高基础设施效率以及运输人员和货物的成本效率。可能需要注册或工作许可。

Plans and develops transport systems to improve infrastructure efficiency and the cost effectiveness of moving people and freight. Registration or licensing may be required.

  1. 交通工程师专业分类:道路建设工程师 Roading Engineer (NZ)

EA工程领域定义Transport Engineering 交通工程

  1. 交通工程涉及人员和货物的运输方式。

Transporting Engineering is concerned with the transport means for both people and freight.

  1. 交通工程师设计、测试和改进用于移动人员、汽车、火车、飞机和轮船的系统和结构。 例如,交通路口的设计必须保证交通自由流动且不会造成不必要的拥堵。 火车线路的布局需要在设计时考虑到类似的目标。

Transport Engineers design, test and improve systems and structures used to move people, cars, trains, airplanes and ships. For example, it is vital that traffic intersections are designed in such a way that traffic flows freely and does not cause unnecessary congestion. The layout of train lines needs to be designed with similar objectives in mind.

  1. 随着人口增长和需求变化,交通工程师还会规划未来城市和乡村地区的旅行需求。

Transport Engineers also plan future travel needs of city and country areas as populations increase and needs change.