澳洲EA工程师评估233214 Structural Engineer 结构工程师职业介绍

飞出国:233214 Structural Engineer 结构工程师属于EA工程师评估的职业之一,本文主要结合澳洲ANZSCO官方职业介绍以及EA官方对于结构工程领域的定义来说明该职业。

ANZSCO定义233214 Structural Engineer 结构工程师


Analyses the statical properties of all types of structures, tests the behaviour and durability of materials used in their construction, and designs and supervises the construction of all types of structures. Registration or licensing may be required.

EA工程领域定义Structural Engineering 结构工程

  1. 在设计和建造结构时,都需要考虑风、海浪和地震等自然力及其影响。还需要考虑由现代环境引起的某些压力,例如汽车和人的交通。 结构工程师确保结构的建造方式能够承受这些力。 这些问题的创新解决方案由结构工程师来研究、开发和测试。

Natural forces such as wind, waves and earthquakes and their effects all need to be taken into account when a structure is designed and built.

Certain stresses caused by the modern environment, such as the traffic of both cars and people, also need to be considered. A structural engineer ensures that structures are built in such a way that they stand up to these forces. Innovative solutions to these problems are researched, developed and tested by structural engineers.

  1. 结构工程师经常与建筑师、建筑商以及机械、电气和化学工程人员合作,以组织和监督特定结构的建造。

Structural Engineers often work with architects, builders and those in mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering to organise and supervise the construction of particular structures.

  1. 结构工程的学习通常与土木工程相结合,但可以在大学选择某些科目以专攻结构工程,或者毕业后的工作可能集中在这一特定领域。

The study of Structural Engineering is often combined with civil engineering, but certain subjects can be chosen at university in order to specialise in Structural Engineering, or work after graduation may be focussed in this particular area.