飞出国:233112 Materials Engineer 材料工程师属于EA工程师评估的职业之一,本文主要结合澳洲ANZSCO官方职业介绍以及EA官方对于材料工程领域的定义来说明该职业。
ANZSCO定义233112 Materials Engineer 材料工程师
Investigates the properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and other materials and assesses and develops their engineering and commercial applications.Registration or licensing may be required.
EA工程领域定义Materials Engineering 材料工程
- 材料工程师测试某些材料在压力下或加热情况下或与其他材料(金属、塑料、橡胶、木材、陶瓷)连接时的行为方式。
Materials Engineers test the ways certain materials behave when put under pressure or are heated or joined with other materials (metals, plastics, rubber, timber, ceramics).
- 材料工程师参与开发新材料和改进现有材料的某些质量。 他们还可能参与开发新的和改进的塑料和纸张回收方法。 材料工程处理金属和非金属物质(如聚合物、陶瓷和复合材料)的制造、结构、性能和使用。
Materials Engineers are involved with developing new materials and improving certain qualities of existing materials. They may also be involved with developing new and improved ways of recycling plastics and paper. Materials Engineering deals with the manufacture, structure, properties and use of metals and non-metallic substances such as polymers, ceramics and composites.
- 材料工程师可以在不同的领域工作,特别是化学、电气、制造和采矿工程师工作的领域。 这些领域包括大型铸造厂、钢铁厂、铝厂和参与合金研究的公司。
Materials Engineers may work in diverse areas, particularly those where chemical, electrical, manufacturing and mining Engineers find employment. These areas include large foundries, steel works, aluminium plants and companies involved with alloy research.