加拿大纽芬兰省提名清单 (Document Checklist)(一)


  1. I have read the NLPNP Skilled Worker Application Guide—SWG001
  2. Application—NLPNP-0002
  3. Employmwnt Offer—NLPNP-0003(由雇主完成)
  4. Declaration of Personal Net Worth—NLPNP-0004(需要证实文件)


  1. I have read the Application for Permanent Residence:Guidence for Provincial Nominees—IMM EP7000
  2. Generic Application Form for Canada—IMM 0008
  3. Additional Dependents/Declaration—IMM 0008DEP(如果有超过5个家属,则由主要申请者代表其填写)
  4. Schedule A Background/Declaration—IMM 5669
  • Principal Applicant
  • Spouse or Common-Law Partner(如果适用)
  • Any dependent children aged 18 or over(如果适用)
  1. Additional Family Information—IMM 5406(由所有符合申请条件的成员填写,无论其是否随行至加拿大)
  • Principal Applicant
  • Spouse or Common-Law Partner(如果适用)
  • Any dependent children aged 18 or over(如果适用)
  1. Schedule 4:Economic Classes:Provincial Nominees—IMM 008 Schedule 4
  2. Supplementary Information-Your Travels—IMM 5562
  3. Fee Payment Form-Application for Permanent Residence—IMM 5620
  4. Use of Representative—IMM 5476(如果适用)
  5. Document Checklist—IMM 5690
  6. Separation Declaration for Minor Travelling to Canada—IMM 5604(如果适用)
  7. Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union—IMM 5409(如果适用)