离境令-Departure order

离境令-Departure order-飞出国

Departure order:由加拿大边境服务机构办公室或者移民和难民委员会发布的遣返令。对于违反加拿大移民法的人员,接到离境令后需在30日内离开加拿大,否则离境令将会变成驱逐令。

A removal order issued by either a Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) officer or the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) an independent administrative tribunal responsible for deciding immigration and refugee matters.
Departure orders are issued against people who have violated Canada’s immigration law. The person named on a departure order must leave Canada within 30 days. If they do not, the departure order becomes a deportation order.
See Removals on CBSA website.
