从 阿尔伯特省提名AINP Semi-skilled Worker 类别 继续讨论:
阿省雇主驱动项目半熟练工人类别材料清单-长途货运行业 DC_EmpDSS_LHT (Employer-Driven Semi-Skilled Worker Category – Long-Haul Trucking Industry Document Checklist) - 飞出国
- 所有材料,除了特殊说明的,其他都提供复印件即可。
- 非英语或法语文件,提供认证的翻译件。加拿大或阿省的认证翻译人员,可以去这个网站查找: www.atia.ab.ca
- 申请表的每一页的 ID# 都必须一致,包括条形码页。ID#在每一页的右下角位置。
- 将此清单和所有的表格、文件一起递交。
阿省雇主需要提交的表格和文件 (Alberta Employer - forms and documents required) - 飞出国
- 符合长途货运卡车司机的要求;
- AINP 001表格(原件);
- 阿省工人赔偿委员会的无赔偿记录证明原件(Workers’ Compensation Board - Alberta (WCBAlberta)Coverage);
- 提供LMO或者LMO豁免证明:Service Canada/HRSDC签发的当前的LMO或过期的LMO,以及确认下及其附件,或者豁免证明(如有);
- 劳动合同:雇主和申请人一起签订的所有合同;
- 工作描述:打印在公司信头纸上,需要包含:职位名称,主要职责,工作条件(工作时间等),学历要求,技能和知识要求,相关工作经验要求;
- 定居计划: Government of Alberta | Alberta.ca
- T4或工资单:提供工人在公司工作期间的T4复印件,如果没有最新的T4,提供近6个月的工资单;
- 阿省培训:需要提供:培训内容,培训上课时间,道路训练,测试方法论和结果。
雇主和申请人一起完成的表格 (Alberta Employer and Candidate – forms required) - 飞出国
- AINP 005 表格(原件);
申请人需要提交的表格和文件(Candidate – forms and documents required ) - 飞出国
- AINP 003表格(原件);
- CIC工作许可: 当前许可和过期许可(如有)都需提供;
- CIC 表格(复印件):
- 主申: IMM 0008 Generic, IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 0008 Schedule 4, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 and IMM 0008DEP if necessary;
- 配偶和18周岁以上的子女:IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 if necessary.
- 护照:主申、配偶和子女的护照首页;
- 语言考试成绩:认可的考试种类有 CELPIP ,IELTS,TEF;
- 教育(提供certified true copy):提供最高教育的学历、学位、证书即可。如果申请人最高学历是高中学历,需证明高中毕业;
- 自己国家的驾照;
- 阿省驾照
- 前雇主推荐信:证明其有专业的驾驶技能;
- 司机日常记录:提供近3个月的日志记录,保证复印件清晰可见。
如果使用代理 - 飞出国
- 雇主使用代理填写 AINP 008A表格:原件,签名;
- 申请人使用代理填写 AINP 008B表格:原件,签名;
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program
Employer-Driven Semi-Skilled Category, Long-Haul Trucking Industry
Government of Alberta
Suite 940, ATB Place North Tower
10025 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 1S6
Alberta Employer - forms and documents required
- AINP Definition of LongHaul Truck Driver
Review the AINP definition of Long-Haul Truck Driver to ensure eligibility.www.AlbertaCanada.com/opportunity/immigrating/ainp-eds-semi-skilled-criteria.aspx#trucking- AINP 001
- Signatures must be original on the form sent to AINP.
- Identification number has to be the same on all pages, including the bar code page. The identification number is on the bottom right hand side of each application page. Your application will be returned to you if any of the identification numbers are different.
- Workers’ Compensation Board Alberta (WCBAlberta) Coverage
- Obtain a clearance from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). www.wcb.ab.ca/employers
- Labour Market Opinion (LMO) OR Evidence of Exemption
- Current LMO and previous LMO(s) from Service Canada/HRSDC.
- Confirmation Letter and Annex, or evidence of the exemption (if applicable).
- Employment Contract
- Provide a copy of all current and previous employment contract(s) signed by both the Employer and the Candidate.
- Job Description
- Must be on company letterhead and include the following:
- Job title
- Main duties of the job
- Working conditions (e.g. hours of work)
- Education required
- Skills and knowledge necessary for duties
- Relevant work experience required
- Employer-Driven Settlement and Retention Plan
- Complete and submit the Settlement and Retention Plan form.www.AlbertaCanada.com/srp-ed.pdf
- T4 Slips OR Statement of Earnings (Pay Records)
- Provide copies of all T4 slips issued for the Candidate’s entire period of employment with the company. If no T4 slips have been issued to date, provide copies of Statements of Earnings (pay records) for the past six months.
- In-Alberta Training
- Provide evidence of the in-Alberta training provided to the Candidate. Details of the training program must include: training content, hours of training provided in a classroom, supervised road training, testing methodology, and results
Alberta Employer and Candidate – forms required
- AINP 005
- The Alberta Employer and Candidate must complete the form together.Signatures must be original on the form sent to AINP.
- Identification number has to be the same on all pages, including the bar code page. The identification number is on the bottom right hand side of each application page. Your application will be returned to you if any of the identification numbers are different.
**Candidate – forms and documents required **
AINP 003
- Signatures must be original on the form sent to AINP.
- Identification number has to be the same on all pages, including the bar code page. The identification number is on the bottom right hand side of each application page. Your application will be returned to you if any of the identification numbers are different.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Work Permit(s)
- Candidate’s current, and previous (if available), CIC work permit(s).
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Forms
- Candidate: IMM 0008 Generic, IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 0008 Schedule 4, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 and IMM 0008DEP if necessary.
- Spouse/Common-law partner and dependants over 18: IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 if necessary
Valid Passport(s)
- Candidate
- Spouse/Common-law partner
- Dependent children
- Include only the personal information page and any page(s) showing the expiry and renewal date(s) of the passport.
Employment Contract
- Provide a copy of all current and previous employment contract(s) signed by both the Employer and the Candidate.
Proof of Language Competency
- Candidate results for one of the following tests. Results cannot be more than twoyears old at time of AINP application submission:
- CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) Test OR
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Test OR
- TEF (Test d’évalutation de français) Test
- Test results must meet the minimum standards outlined on the Semi-Skilled Worker Category criteria page Government of Alberta | Alberta.ca.
- Candidate must submit proof of the highest level of education they have completed. If this is secondary (high school) education, they must provide evidence of completion of the highest level of secondary education available in their home country.
Foreign Driver’s Licence
Candidate’s foreign driver’s licence from their home country
Alberta Operator’s
- Licence Candidate’s valid Class 1 Alberta Operator’s Licence.
Reference Letters
- Work-related reference letters from previous employers related to the job showing the Candidate has driven in a professional capacity before coming to Canada. Must be signed by the employer, dated and on company letterhead and include the following:
- Name of employer
- Employer contact information
- Job title
- Main duties
- Period worked (start/end date and the number of hours/days worked per week)
Driver’s Daily Log Records
Candidate’s Driver’s Daily Log records for the past three months. Please ensure that copies are clear and legible.
阿省雇主驱动项目半熟练工人类别材料清单-长途货运行业 DC_EmpDSS_LHT : Government of Alberta | Alberta.ca