

  1. CPAA澳洲会计师职业评估标准评估一般是根据申请人的会计学历来评估很情人是否符合会计提名职业,并不对申请人的工作履历作要求或者进行评估。但是,CPAA提供工作年限认证服务,申请人可以用这个认证结果作为自己claim移民申请中工作年限加分。

If you have worked in a relevant professional role you may be eligible to claim additional points for your Skilled Migration visa application. CPA Australia can assess your employment history to determine if your experience is closely related to your selected ANZSCO occupation and at a level expected from Australian employers.

  1. CPAA会计职业评估工作年限认证基于申请人已经通过CPAA的职业评估,且一旦受到工作年限认证的结果,将不再接受申请人补充材料或者修改推荐信。

Work experience or employment claims will only be considered if you have received a suitable full skills assessment outcome under your nominated occupation by CPA Australia.

To address potential fraud and document manipulation, once you have received your initial outcome CPA Australia will not accept additional information or altered references.


  1. 申请人的工作履历需要与提名职业高度相关
  2. 申请人的工作履历需要是职业评估申请日期的近十年内
  3. 申请人的工作履历是完成了本科学历之后的(CPAA评估认为等同于澳洲本科学历)
  4. 申请人的工作履历是有偿的,持续的,且每周工作小时不低于20小时
  5. 申请人的工作履历至少有累计一年,且每个职位工作在岗时间不少于三个月
  6. 申请人所从事的志愿者工作或者学习期间的实习(part of a qualification)不被认可

Volunteer work and experience carried out as part of a qualification will not be recognised as skilled employment.

CPA Australia will only recognise employment that:

  • is assessed as closely related to the ANZSCO occupation for which you have received a suitable skills assessment outcome
  • was undertaken in the 10 years prior to your CPA Australia skills assessment application date
  • was undertaken after you completed a formal qualification (or combination of qualifications) that is assessed by CPA Australia as equivalent to at least an Australian bachelor’s degree
  • was paid and continuous for a minimum of 20 hours per week
  • is a minimum of one year of accumulated employment, for at least three months per role


  1. 申请人做CPAA会计职业评估工作年限认证,需要提供以下材料:
  • 雇主签字的推荐信
  • 劳动合同以及工资单

For employment claims to be recognised for skilled employment, you must provide:

  • a signed testimonial from your employer (see below)
  • an employment contract and pay slips to substantiate your employment claims.
  1. 雇主推荐信具体要求包括以下:
  • 推荐信需要打印在公司信头纸上,信头的内容应该包括公司地址,电话,email以及网址
  • 推荐人的姓名,职位以及签字,推荐人不能是同级或者比自己低级别的同事
  • 推荐人的工作email以及联系电话,私人电话号码或者email不行
  • 申请人工作起始日期,具体到某日,如果在同一个公司有不同的岗位需要分岗位说明
  • 申请人每个岗位的职责
  • 申请人的岗位是永久的还是临时的
  • 申请人每周工作小时数
  • 申请人的薪资

The testimonial must include:

  • the official letterhead of the employing business. The letterhead should indicate clearly the full address of the business and any telephone, email and website addresses
  • the name and position of the person authorised to sign the employment reference or testimonial and should include the authorised person’s signature. References from colleagues of the applicant at the same level or below will not be considered
  • the direct work email address and contact number of the individual writing the reference. Personal phone numbers or addresses will not be accepted
  • specific start and end dates of your employment history. Multiple roles within the same organisation must be listed separately
  • the duties or responsibilities undertaken in each role
  • whether your roles were permanent or temporary
  • your working hours per week
  • the salary you earned.
  1. 关于工作证明材料的其他特殊情况:
  • 如果申请人提供的信息不够,CPAA可能会要求补料
  • 申请人如果没法提供带公司信头的推荐信,工作声明也是可以的,工作声明里面的信息需要覆盖上面要求的所有信息点,且需要注明不能提供推荐信的原因
  • 对于同一段时间在不同公司的工作,CPAA不会累计算工作年限,比如,申请人在一年内给两个雇主同时工作,最多只能算一年工作年限。对于这种情况,建议申请人只需提供与提名职业最相关的那份工作履历即可,CPAA会尽量认可最多的相关工作年限。
  • CPA Australia may request further documentation before finalising your skilled employment assessment.
  • If you are unable to obtain an employment reference on a business letterhead, a statutory declaration may be considered in its place. In addition to outlining the reasons why you were not able to obtain a work reference, your declaration must include the criteria outlined above. For example, specific periods of employment, positions held, etc.
  • CPA Australia will not recognise accumulated time for work/client engagements that were performed during the same period. For example, you cannot claim more than 12 months of experience in a 12-month period. If you have undertaken concurrent work, we recommend providing testimonial for the role that is most suitable for the ANZSCO code you have applied for. CPA Australia will ensure that the longest possible period of skilled employment is recognised in your final assessment.
  1. 自雇的工作履历也可以认可,所提供的材料需要满足以下要求:
  • 自雇可以提供自荐信,打印在公司信头纸上,需要注明公司地址,电话,email和网址,自荐信上需要写明工作起止日期,每周工作小时,每个岗位的职责以及所得薪资
  • 自雇履历还需要提供公司名注册文件,营业执照,税收文件,至少两个客户提供的推荐信,推荐信需要带信头,且说明申请人公司给客户所做的工作以及所服务的时间段
  • 如果申请人不是在澳洲境内自雇,只要提供的文件能含有以上信息,其他的替代文件也可以,比如有的国家是税务登记证而不是营业执照之类的。

Self-employed applicants must provide a testimonial that is written on the official letterhead of their business. The letterhead should indicate clearly the full address and any telephone, email and website addresses.

The testimonial must include:

  • specific start and end dates
  • your working hours per week
  • the duties or responsibilities undertaken in each position
  • the salary you earned.

You will also need to include high quality scans of:

  • your official business name registration
  • practising certificate
  • tax returns of your first, middle and final year (if relevant) of business operation
  • references from two or more clients on letterheads, stating work done by your business and the period your business was employed by the referee.

If your self-employment was conducted outside of Australia, we will accept substitutes for the above-mentioned documents provided they confirm the same information. For example, some countries may issue a ‘Tax Registration’ document rather than a ‘Business Registration’ document.


  1. 工作年限认证只能是交给所做职业评估的机构来做,比如会计职业有好几个职业评估机构CPAA/IPA/CAANZ,如果申请人是CPAA做的职业评估,那么工作年限认证就继续找CPAA做

Who can assess my skilled employment?
Your skilled employment assessment needs to be completed by the assessing authority that provided you with your General Skills Assessment outcome. Therefore, if you have received a suitable skills assessment with CPA Australia, we can assess your skilled employment.

  1. 申请人可以在申请CPAA职评的同时递交工作年限认证申请,或者等职评结果出来后再做工作年限认证,反正工作年限认证需要职评通过了CPAA才会做;工作年限认证申请材料通过email递交给

How do I apply for a skilled employment assessment?
You can opt for a skilled employment assessment while applying for your initial assessment. If you did not opt at this time, on receipt of a suitable outcome, you can simply email your relevant employment documents to

  1. 申请人在递交CPAA职评的时候只需要递交学历相关的材料即可,当然也可以递交工作履历相关材料,但是只有申请人通过了职评,CPAA才会审理工作履历相关的材料

Can I submit both my skilled employment documents and my qualification documents at the same time?
Yes. However, we will only consider them if you receive a suitable outcome for your skills assessment.

  1. 申请人CPAA职评没有通过,是没法做CPAA工作年限认证的

I have not received a suitable outcome for my skills assessment. Can you still assess my skilled employment documents?
No. Before we can assess your employment history you must have received a suitable skills assessment.

  1. CPAA工作年限认证不额外收取申请费,即已包括在最初的职业评估申请费里面

How much is the skilled employment assessment?
Your first skilled employment assessment is currently included in the assessment fee.

  1. CPAA不认可学历前的工作履历

Will you consider the experience I gained before I completed my qualification?
No. We can only consider the experience you have gained after you have been awarded your degree, that was assessed during your skills assessment.

  1. 申请人的工作履历必须是有偿的,志愿者工作以及会计专业年的工作都不算

Does my skilled employment have to be paid experience?
Yes. Volunteer work or internships – including Accounting Professional Year Program – will not be recognised as skilled employment.

  1. 申请人与提名职业不相关的工作履历不算

Will you consider skilled employment if it is not closely related to my ANZSCO code?
No. Your employment must be closely related to your nominated occupation. Refer to theAustralian Bureau of Statistics website for information on your occupation and unit group.

  1. 申请人的澳洲境内或者境外的工作履历都能进行年限认证

Can you assess my overseas and Australian skilled employment?
Yes, we can assess and provide advice on your skilled employment both in Australia and overseas.

  1. 申请人如果通过了多个职业代码的职业评估,可以按照不同的代码来认证相关工作年限

I have applied for multiple ANZSCO codes, can I have my skilled employment assessed for each?
Yes. You will be provided with a skilled employment outcome for each occupation you have been assessed for, unless you indicate otherwise.

  1. 如果申请人不同意工作年限认证结果,申请人可以补充证明材料进行更新update,但是修改推荐信或者原有证明材料是不允许的;或者不补充证明材料,直接申诉appeal;填写对应的申请表,发送给并支付update或者appeal的申请费

I don’t agree with my skilled employment assessment outcome, what can I do?
You may update your skilled employment outcome by providing additional evidence, however revised testimonials will not be accepted. You may also appeal your outcome without providing new information. For either, complete a supplementary services application form (PDF), email the form to and pay the relevant fee.


Residing in Australia (AUD) Residing in all other locations (AUD)
Skills assessment $540 $490
Update $170 $155
New ANZSCO code $190 $173
Appeal assessment outcome $170 $155
Withdraw application $80 $73