
受中国新型冠状病毒影响,加拿大在中国内陆的11处签证中心关闭延期至2020年2月16日;加拿大签证审核根据个案也只审核紧急申请。 2020年2月7日, IRCC发布进一步应对措施,帮助受疫情影响的临签和永久居民签证申请人。



  1. 加拿大移民申请获批,并收到移民纸,即永久居民确认文件,Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR);
  2. 签证有效期不足90天;
  3. 无法抵达加拿大。

申请人需要通过IRCC web form申请延期并解释无法按期登录加拿大的原因。

针对需要紧急前往加拿大的永久居民,申请永居旅行文件可联系北京使馆 beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca

If you are a permanent resident visa holder or a permanent resident

Permanent resident visa holders will be able to request an extension of their Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) if

  • they have been approved for immigration to Canada and have a COPR
  • their visa will expire within the next 90 days
  • they are unable to travel to Canada

Applicants will need to contact IRCC by submitting a web form and explaining the reason they are unable to travel to Canada within the validity of their visa. These requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Permanent residents who need a permanent resident travel document to urgently travel to Canada can email the Canadian visa office in China at beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca.


对于目前无法抵达加拿大完成入籍宣誓的申请人, 会重新安排之后的时间。

If you are a Canadian citizenship applicant

Those who are scheduled to take the Oath of Citizenship , but are unable to travel to Canada, will not miss the opportunity to attend a ceremony. They will be rescheduled for a later date.


对于需要临签/永居加急的申请,或需要紧急抵达加拿大的申请人,可以邮件联系加拿大北京使馆 beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca

对于受疫情影响的访问签证,工作许可,学习许可和永居申请人,在规定期限内无法完成使馆的进一步补料/要求, 比如

  • 要求递交护照或无犯罪公证等;
  • 要求完成移民体检;
  • 要求完成生物指纹采集;


对于受到旅行限制,想撤销临时签证的申请人, 需要通过Web Form通知使馆, 在案件还未开始审理的情况下, 递交撤案申请的24小时内会退款。

If you are a temporary or permanent resident applicant abroad

Applicants who have an urgent case, or who need to urgently travel to Canada, can email the Canadian visa office in China at beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca for assistance.

People who have applied for a visitor visa, a work permit, a study permit or for permanent residence, but who cannot complete the next steps in the process on time due to the situation in mainland China, will not have their application refused solely on the basis of not completing these requests.

Examples of the next steps include

  • submitting their passport or supporting documents, such as a police certificate
  • completing an immigration medical examination
  • giving their biometrics

More time (extensions) will automatically be provided to applicants in these situations. Once it is possible to provide these required documents, applicants are encouraged to do so as soon as possible to avoid further delays.

Those affected by the travel restrictions and who want to withdraw their temporary residence application must complete a web form. Refunds will be provided to people who withdraw their application within 24 hours of submitting, provided no processing has started.


受目前中国内陆的旅行限制,对于目前在加拿大境内,签证即将到期的访问者,国际留学生和海外工人,可以申请延期。进一步申请参考FAQ 对于加拿大合法身份已经过期的申请人,可以申请临时居住许可,参考FAQ

If you are a temporary resident unable to leave Canada
Visitors, international students and foreign workers whose legal status in Canada will soon end, but cannot travel to mainland China due to travel restrictions, can apply for an extension, if eligible. See this FAQ for more information.

People whose legal status in Canada has expired may be able to restore their status or apply for a temporary resident permit. See this FAQ for more information.