从 坎伯兰学院(萨省 尼帕温) Cumberland College 继续讨论:
坎伯兰学院与萨斯克彻温省大学和贾里那大学的合作教育项目(授予大学文凭) Cooperated Programs between Cumberland College and University of Saskatchewan/University of Regina (University Diploma/Degree)##
坎伯兰学院可提供很多萨斯克彻温省大学和贾里那大学开设的大学课程(University Class)。其中,梅尔福特校区是面授形式教课,其余三个校区是以在线视频和电视形式授课。学生可以由目前所学教育学历课程(Certificate或Diploma)过渡到大学课程(Degree),从而直接拿到大学学历。在这方面,坎伯兰学院可以为学生们提供很多帮助。
- 填写坎伯兰大学表;
- 在线向萨斯克彻温省大学和贾里那大学提交申请(只有得到萨斯克彻温省大学或贾里那大学同意后,申请人才能在坎伯兰学院参加对应的大学课程);
- 与坎伯兰学院咨询师约见,可以为你提供学术咨询和申请帮助;
- 通过对应大学批准后,在坎伯兰学院进行相应大学课程选择和注册。
项目课程安排 Course Arrangement for Programs
U of S:萨斯克彻温省大学
U of R:贾里那大学
周一Monday | 周二Tuesday | 周三Wednesday | 周四Thurday | 周五Friday |
心理学PSY121.3 (U of S)上课时间:1:00-3:50pm 授课形式:M面授face to face;N-T视频Video;会议式Conference | 区域研究RLST100 (U of R)上课时间:4:00-6:45pm 授课形式:M-N-T 通过电视播放Televised | 生物学BIOL121.3 (U of S)上课时间:12:30-3:20pm M面授face to face | 化学CHEM250.3 (U of S)上课时间:12:30-3:20 M面授face to face | 英语ENG114.3 (U of S)上课时间:1:10-4:00pm M面授face to face;N-T视频Video;会议式Conference |
本土研究INDG107.3 (U of S)上课时间:7:00-9:50pm M-N-T M面授face to face;N-T视频Video;会议形式Conference | 社会学SOC112.3 (U of S) 上课时间:7:00-9:50pm M-N-T 通过电视播放Televised | 生物学BIOL121.3 (U of S)上课时间:4:00-6:50pm M 实验室授课Lab | 化学CHEM250.3 (U of S)上课时间:4:00-6:50pm M 实验室授课(Live Dates) | 社会工作中的道德研究SW460 (U of R) 上课时间:1:00-3:45pm 混合授课形式Blended 现场授课时间(Live Dates):1月8、22日;2月5日;3月4、18日;4月8日 |
心理学PSYC102 (U of R)上课时间:7:00-9:45pm M-N-T 通过电视播放Televised | 社会学SOC212 (U of R) 上课时间:7:00-9:45pm M-N-T 通过电视播放Televised | 健康与疾病解读 HS200 上课时间:7:00-9:45pm M-N-T 混合授课形式Blended 现场授课时间(Live Dates):1月6、13、20、27日;3月9、23日;4月6日 | 社会关注话题思考 SW202 (U of R)上课时间:4:00-6:45pm M-N-T 混合授课方式Blended | |
全球化时代下政治理念及变化 POLS112.3 (U of S) 上课时间:7:00-9:50pm M-N-T 通过电视播放Televised | 儿童福利实习 SW414 (U of R) 上课时间:7:00-9:45pm M-N-T 通过电视播放Televised |
Work toward your university degree while residing in your home community! Cumberland College offers a wide range of first and upper year university classes from the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina. You can start your degree in many disciplines, and in some cases, even finish your degree. 10 face-to-face U of S classes are offered each year at the Melfort campus, and all three campuses offer video conference, televised and online courses.
Our first year students find the transition to university level studies much easier with numerous support services provided at Cumberland College. Access to professors and tutorials play a huge factor in the success rate of our students. Most of the classes are offered once a week which allows students more time for their studies, to work at their part-time job, or to participate in extra-curricular activities. Students save an average of $10 000 per year by living in their home community. What a smart start to your university degree!
International students are welcome to apply to this program.
To apply and register for university classes or programs at Cumberland College the following steps are necessary:
- Complete the Cumberland College University Form
- Apply online to the University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina (You cannot take university classes with Cumberland College unless you have been accepted by the U of S or the U of R)
- Make an appointment with a Cumberland College Advisor for academic advising and registration assistance.
- Once accepted by the university, select and register for university classes offered at Cumberland College.
Your success is important to us! Please contact us if you have any questions regarding university programming.