
我QQ961241561 微信xiaoxiao900906 手机号15833732684

目前看来没什么希望。TRA 评估时不能用工作代替学历,学历是必须的。

Can my work experience substitute for a qualification?

No. TRA does not accept work experience as a substitute for a qualification.

I don’t have a formal qualification. Will I get a successful skills assessment?

To be eligible for a successful TRA MSA outcome you are required to provide evidence of:

  1. a qualification comparable to the relevant qualification in Australia for the occupation and
  2. employment at the required skill level for Australian industry standards.

Your application is likely to be unsuccessful if you do not have a relevant qualification for your nominated occupation.
You may consider undertaking a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process with an Australian registered training organisation (RTO).

Details about which RTOs can assess your skills and evidence against the relevant Australian qualification for your occupation are listed on the Australian Government’s website: training.gov.au. You can contact one of the RTOs listed directly.

联系方式留太多容易被骚扰。Australian registered training organisation 不了解,官方链接: training.gov.au - Nationally recognised training search


国内那些证书可以代替澳洲 AQF III 或 IV 级学历,没经验,这个不了解。



国内的职业资格证可以代替职业评估时候澳洲的AQF III 或 IV 级学历?



351411 厨师澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - FLYabroad
TRA - 澳大利亚职业技术认证中心 Trades Recognition Australia:大陆技术移民申请的绝大部分职业都是通过该类别评估。TRA移民技术评估类别申请的条件为具有澳洲要提名职业相对等的资格(一般是AQFIII,IV或 Diploma),至少3年的全职提名职业作经验,近2年内至少1年全职带薪提名职业工作经验。对于在获得等同AQF相关资质之前的工作要获得认可的话,需之前至少5年提名职业或者提名职业相关全职工作经验。TRA类别评估周期60工作日,评估费用300澳币,不支持信用卡。


技工类职业工作经验认定比较困难,厨师包括很多技工,社保个税工资甚至合同都没有或不全,而推荐信,合同,工资单又很容易作假,tra 也不是太看重了。

技术面试也不能解决所有问题,加收对厨师进行技术面试,中餐炒个菜,中国60%的大学生甚至99%的大学生都可以做几个菜,炒多少菜,菜品合格怎么界定虽然有程序,也有专业人员面试,但也有主观性。西餐和厨师略加培训也可以做做样子。tra 总不能亲口尝尝然后按自己对饭菜的满意程度决定过还是不过。面试只是进一步核实申请人声明具有的技能。

因此,从这些年TRA的发展来看,TRA 越来越要求专业相关,而且是正规学历完成的教育,培训,同时有学徒经历,是TRA最看重的。当然,有学历面试过不了也不行,例如学了厨师但没做厨师,一面试就看出很业余,很可能不过。

看看澳洲tafe课程里 cook 学什么做什么考什么: http://www.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/tafe/pdfs/457%20VSA%20Pathway%202%20APP%20FORM%20-%20COOK(ASIAN%20COOKERY)%20DEC2010.pdf

中国厨师需要申请TRA的 Offshore Skills Assessment Program : http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Programs/Offshore/Pages/Eligibility.aspx

类要求: http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Programs/Offshore/Pages/OSAPGuidelines.aspx

您的情况大概需要通过 Registered Training Organisation 培训课程才有希望,具体如何培训,培训周期费用,培训后评估流程等,这两年没涉及过,最好直接研究官方网站,问官方,下面是联系方式。

Cook [351411]

The RTOs approved by TRA to conduct skills assessments for this occupation are listed below, with the countries where assessments are available.

Sydney TAFE
Website: www.sydneytafe.edu.au/services-and-support/visa-skills-assessment-service
Email: sydneytafe.skillsassessment@tafensw.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 9217 3104

​Australia, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Republic of Korea, United Kingdom

Website: www.vetassess.com.au
Email: tradeassess@vetassess.com.au
Phone: +61 3 9655 4801
Australia, Brazil, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Zimbabwe

Victoria University
Website: www.vu.edu.au/skilled-migration
Email: 457skillsassess@vu.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9919 7365
Australia, Brazil, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Zimbabwe

William Angliss Institute
Website: www.angliss.edu.au/457-Visa-Programs
Email: int.projects@angliss.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9606 2351
Australia, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam

信息摘自这里: http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Programs/Pages/RTO-Finder.aspx

先去这里测试一下: http://www.tradeset.com.au/

09年后中国厨师移民澳洲的例子很少看到,不是专业不行就是英语不行,要么就是分数不行。 cook 移民澳洲的路会比较坎坷。英语如果还可以,不如考虑加拿大。



TRA RTO 需要的资料可以参考这里: RTO(VET Trade)评估材料清单

我找不到你说的 Registered Training Organisation 培训课程,能不能把子链接发给我?或是我去你们公司上门了解

您的情况还不符合申请条件,有问题论坛咨询就可以了。RTO课程 去这里找机构,然后具体询问相关机构, http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Programs/Pages/RTO-Finder.aspx





Pathfinder summary

I need a skills assessment to apply to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for a skilled visa (other than a subclass 485 or 457 visa).

The skills assessment you need to apply for will depend on your country of passport and occupation.

  • If you are seeking assessment in an occupation listed in the Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP) Table and you hold a passport from a country listed against that occupation, you should apply to have your skills assessed under the Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP). A TRA-approved registered training organisation will assess your skills.

  • If your occupation is not on the list or your country of passport is not listed against your occupation, you should apply for the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program.

Alternatively, you may be able to access these options:

  • If you do not meet the criteria of the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program or the Offshore Skills Assessment Program, which generally require at least three years post-qualification experience, and you hold an Australian Qualifications Framework qualification issued as a result of study in Australia, you may be eligible to participate in the Job Ready Program.

  • If your country of passport and occupation are not listed in the OSAP Table, and you want to access a skills assessment through a TRA-approved registered training organisation to improve your employability or for use in an application for a licence, you may be able to access the Optional Skills Assessment Service. If you choose this option, you will be able to use your successful skills assessment for migration purposes and you won’t need to apply for the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program.

Please read the applicant or participant guidelines of the relevant program before lodging an application.

Skilled Visa (other than 485 or 457)

