新西兰技术移民工作经验加分与 Comparable labour market

Comparable labour market 定义与新西兰技术移民工作经验加分 - 飞出国


  • 工作经验在 Comparable labour market 获得,或
  • 工作经验属于绝对紧缺,或
  • 已经在新西兰同样的工作上工作或获得工作经验相关雇主offer

20170828后新西兰技术移民工作经验加分 - 飞出国:

工作经验加分-飞出国 加分
2年(任何地区) 10
4年(任何地区) 20
6年(任何地区) 30
8年(任何地区) 40
10年(任何地区) 50

Comparable labour market - flyabroad

新西兰技术移民评分标准里的工作经验加分要求工作经验是在新西兰认可的29个同等劳动力市场(Comparable Labour Market)上取得的。中国不属于 Comparable Labour Market,如果不属于 Comparable Labour Market 则需要在国际跨国公司的工作经验才被认可,具体要求:

  1. 这家外企的总部(母公司)必须是 Compare Labour Market一员;
  2. 这家外企必须为母公司的独资企业或者母公司占有50%以上的股份;
  3. 这家外企的核心名称必须与母公司相同;
国家列1 中文 国家列2 中文
Australia 澳大利亚 Malaysia 马来西亚
Austria 奥地利 Netherlands 荷兰
Belgium-Luxembourg 比利时-卢森堡 New Zealand 新西兰
Canada 加拿大 Norway 挪威
Cyprus 塞浦路斯 Philippines 菲律宾
Denmark 丹麦 Portugal 葡萄牙
Finland 芬兰 Republic of South Korea 韩国
France 法国 Singapore 新加坡
Germany 德国 South Africa 南非
Greece 希腊 Spain 西班牙
Iceland 冰岛 Sweden 瑞典
Ireland 爱尔兰 Switzerland 瑞士
Israel 以色列 United Kingdom 英国
Italy 意大利 United States 美国
Japan 日本

当然,如果工作经验不满足 Comparable Labour Market 但已经获得与工作经验相关的新西兰技能雇佣(新西兰雇主offer)或该工作经验属于下列紧缺职业(且满足该紧缺职业的学历要求)。

Work experience is recognised and qualifies for points if it meets the requirements set out at (a) and (b) below:

  • An immigration officer must be satisfied that work experience is:
    • relevant to the principal applicant’s current skilled employment in New Zealand or offer of skilled employment in New Zealand (see SM7); or
    • relevant to the principal applicant’s recognised qualification (see SM14); or
    • skilled, because it required, or enabled the principal applicant to gain specialist, technical or management skills and experience relevant to an occupation that is included in the lists of occupations held at Appendix 6 or Appendix 7.
  • Work experience must also have been gained in a labour market that is comparable to the New Zealand labour market unless:
    • the work experience meets the requirements set out at SM13.20 for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage; or
    • the principal applicant has current skilled employment in New Zealand or an offer of skilled employment in New Zealand (see SM7).

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me/contact


新西兰工作经验认可标准 - 飞出国2019

  1. 已经获得雇主offer:获得的offer与之前工作一致且满足下列条件之一
  • 对技能级别为1,2,3的专业技术类职业,以 ANZSCO 定义的标准为准,要求满足职业的学历要求和/或工作经验要求且职责相关;
  • 对技能级别为4,5的技工类职业,满足该职业的学历,专业,工作经验或注册要求,且新西兰雇主offer时薪要求满足时薪37.5纽币。
  1. 绝对紧缺职业:如果是绝对紧缺职业的工作,且满足了新西兰对该绝对紧缺职业的要求,则即使没有获得新西兰雇主或没有在国际性跨国公司工作的工作经验也被认可
  2. 认可的劳动力市场(Comparable labour market):上面表格里有说明



Skilled work experience - SMC flyabroad

Work experience that is recognised in one of two ways:

1. It was in an ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation

This can be the same occupation for which you’ve claimed points for skilled employment, or a different occupation at skill level 1, 2 or 3. The work undertaken must substantially match the ANZSCO description of that occupation, and you must have completed the qualification specified by the ANZSCO for that occupation before the period for which you are claiming work experience points

If you don’t have a relevant recognised qualification, you must have completed relevant work experience specified by the ANZSCO for that occupation before the period for which you are claiming work experience points. For any skill level 1 occupation you can substitute the qualification specified by the ANZSCO with 5 years of work experience (even if the ANZSCO does not state this).

2. It was NOT in an ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation

It must have been in the same occupation that you are claiming skilled employment points for, on the basis of remuneration at or above $37.50 per hour. You will not need to show that you were paid at this level during your work experience.

You must have completed one of the following before the period for which you are claiming work experience points:

  • a relevant recognised qualification at or above an NZQF level 4 Certificate, or
  • a relevant recognised NZQF level 3 qualification on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment, or
  • 3 years of relevant work experience, or
  • the occupation is on the Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) and you met the LTSSL requirements for that occupation, or
  • the occupation requires occupational registration in New Zealand and you held that registration.

Comparable labour market requirement

If you do not qualify for points for skilled employment, or for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage, your work experience must have been gained in a comparable labour market. While undertaking this work experience you must have been a citizen or permanent resident of that country, or had the lawful authority to work in that country.

Comparable labour market - flyabroad

A group of countries that INZ considers have a similar labour market, which is made up of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macau, Malta, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Work experience in a country not listed above will only be assessed as being in a comparable labour market if it was for a multinational entity domiciled in one of the countries listed above.

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访问 飞出国香港flyabroad.hk)网站获得更多出国移民项目及资讯信息。