新不伦瑞克社区大学 Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (NB省巴瑟斯特市)

新不伦瑞克社区学院CCNB是一个一流的法语学习机构,共有5个校区,每个校区都提供优质的教育服务和培训课程。CIC DLI#: O19391556654


中文名 : 新不伦瑞克社区学院
英文名 : Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick
省份 : 新不伦瑞克
城市 : 巴瑟斯特Bathurst
创建年份 : 1970年
学校类型 : 社区学院
学校性质 : 公立
授课语言 : 法语
维基网址 : Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick - Wikipedia
域名 : ccnb.ca
校训 : vision • passion • succès
校区及面积 : 5个校区,Bathurst(主), Campbellton, Dieppe, Edmundston and the Acadian Peninsula.


CCNB - Campus de Bathurst
Enrollment on an ongoing basis

CCNB - Campus de Campbellton
Enrollment on an ongoing basis.

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  • 高中毕业
  • 满足各科的入学课程要求
  • 满足法语或英语要求

International Student
Eligibility requirements vary depending on the program:
Hold a high school diploma (BA);
Present evidence that it meets the requirements of the chosen program, such that one has knowledge of French, mathematics, science, or that can show a portfolio (artistic creation);
Mastering the language of instruction, that is to say, the French, with the exception of some specialty programs, which are taught in English. The candidate who has previous studies in a language other than French must submit to a text knowledge of French. second language proficiency tests, English language, are human costs.
In addition, the person must meet the established eligibility criteria which ensure that it is able to successfully complete the study program of their choice. Eligibility requirements were grouped into profiles depending on the nature and complexity of the programs. For more information on eligibility requirements for our programs, see the table of admission profiles.

官网链接: http://ccnb.ca/admission-et-bourses/admission.aspx


确认费: 700加币

官网链接: http://ccnb.ca/admission-et-bourses/droits-de-scolarite.aspx

新不伦瑞克社区学院的所有课程: http://ccnb.ca/programme-detudes/nos-programmes.aspx

新不伦瑞克社区学院的英语课程: http://ccnb.ca/english.aspx