CIP 55. - 法语语言文学/文学 French language and literature/letters

55. - 法语语言文学/文学 French language and literature/letters

该系列包括教学计划,侧重于法语语言和方言、演讲、写作以及法语国家文学和文化的各个方面的结构和使用。注意:55 系列仅供加拿大使用。在美国,提供法语作为外语教学的项目应根据教学项目代码 16.0901 进行报告。 This series comprises instructional programs that focus on the structure and use of the French language and dialects, speech, writing, and various aspects of the literatures and cultures of the French-speaking peoples. Note: Series 55 is for Canadian use only. In the United States, programs that provide instruction in French as a foreign language should be reported under instructional program code 16.0901.

55.01 - 法语语言文学,一般CAN French language and literature, generalCAN

该子系列包括教学程序类 55.0101。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 55.0101.

55.0101 - 法语语言文学,一般CAN French language and literature, generalCAN

该教学课程包括任何专注于法语的一般课程,包括其历史、结构和相关的沟通技巧;以及法语国家的文学和文化。 This instructional program class comprises any general program that focuses on the French language, including its history, structure and related communications skills; and the literature and culture of French-speaking peoples.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语 French

  • 法语 French language

  • 法语语言文学 French language and literature

  • 法语语言、文学和语言学 French language, literature and linguistics

  • 字母,法文 letters, French

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 应用语言学(16.0105) applied linguistics(16.0105)

  • 法语作为第二语言(16.1702) French as a second language(16.1702)

  • 法语普通文学(55.1401) French general literature(55.1401)

  • 法语研究(05.0124) French studies(05.0124)

  • 法语老师(13.1325) French teacher(13.1325)

  • 语言学(16.0102) linguistics(16.0102)

  • 法国文学和法语社区,法语(55.1404) literature of France and the French community, French(55.1404)

  • 魁北克文学(法语)(55.1403) Quebec literature (in French)(55.1403)

  • 第二语言学习(不计学分)(32.0109) second language learning (not for credit)(32.0109)

  • 戏剧文学(50.0505) theatre literature(50.0505)

55.13 - 法语修辞和作文/写作研究CAN French rhetoric and composition/writing studiesCAN

该子系列包括教学课程类别 55.1301 至 55.1399。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 55.1301 to 55.1399.

55.1301 - 法语写作,generalCAN French writing, generalCAN

该教学课程包括任何以应用和文科为目的的法语写作课程。这些课程包括多种类型、模式和媒体的写作和文档设计课程;写作技术;信息的研究、评估和使用;编辑出版;作曲的理论和过程;修辞理论、传统和分析;跨受众、背景和文化的沟通;专业、技术、组织、学术和公共环境的实际应用。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on writing in French for applied and liberal arts purposes. These programs include courses in writing and document design in multiple genres, modes, and media; writing technologies; research, evaluation, and use of information; editing and publishing; theories and processes of composing; rhetorical theories, traditions, and analysis; communication across audiences, contexts, and cultures; and practical applications for professional, technical, organizational, academic, and public settings.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语作文 French composition

  • 法语写作 French writing

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 广告文案(09.0903) advertising copywriting(09.0903)

  • 英语作文(23.1301) English composition(23.1301)

  • 英语创意写作(23.1302) English creative writing(23.1302)

  • 英语技术与专业写作(23.1303) English technical and professional writing(23.1303)

  • 法语创意写作(55.1302) French creative writing(55.1302)

  • 法语修辞与写作(55.1304) French rhetoric and writing(55.1304)

  • 法语技术和商业写作 (55.1303) French technical and business writing(55.1303)

  • 法语写作和文学(55.9999) French writing and literature(55.9999)

  • 新闻学(09.0401) journalism(09.0401)

  • 识字和沟通技巧(不计学分)(32.0108) literacy and communication skills (not for credit)(32.0108)

  • 脚本编写(50.0504) script writing(50.0504)

  • 写作(36.0118) writing(36.0118)

55.1302 - 法语创意写作CAN French creative writingCAN

该教学课程包括任何法语语言和文学课程,重点介绍短篇小说、诗歌、小说等各种文学形式的原创创作过程和技巧。这些课程包括技术和编辑技能、批评和成品手稿营销方面的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature that focuses on the process and techniques of original composition in various literary forms such as the short story, poetry, the novel, and others. These programs include courses in technical and editorial skills, criticism, and the marketing of finished manuscripts.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语创意写作 French creative writing

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 喜剧写作(50.0511) comedy writing(50.0511)

  • 英语作文(23.1301) English composition(23.1301)

  • 英语创意写作(23.1302) English creative writing(23.1302)

  • 法语写作(55.1301) French writing(55.1301)

  • 新闻学(09.0401) journalism(09.0401)

  • 脚本编写(50.0504) script writing(50.0504)

  • 写作(36.0118) writing(36.0118)

55.1303 - 法语专业、技术、商业和科学写作可以 French professional, technical, business, and scientific writingCAN

该教学课程包括任何专注于专业、技术、商业和科学写作的法语语言和文学课程;这为个人担任学术职位或职业生涯做好准备,如作家、编辑、研究人员以及商业、政府、非营利组织和专业领域的相关职业。这些课程包括修辞、写作和数字素养理论课程;文档设计、制作和管理;视觉修辞和多媒体组合;文档开发;可用性测试;网络写作;以及印刷和电子媒体出版。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature that focuses on professional, technical, business, and scientific writing; and that prepares individuals for academic positions or for professional careers as writers, editors, researchers, and related careers in business, government, non-profits, and the professions. These programs include courses in theories of rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy; document design, production, and management; visual rhetoric and multimedia composition; documentation development; usability testing; web writing; and publishing in print and electronic media.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语商务写作 French business writing

  • 法语专业写作 French professional writing

  • 法语科学写作 French scientific writing

  • 法语技术和商业写作 French technical and business writing

  • 法语技术写作 French technical writing

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 商务通讯(52.0501) business communications(52.0501)

  • 英语作文(23.1301) English composition(23.1301)

  • 英语创意写作(23.1302) English creative writing(23.1302)

  • 英语技术与专业写作(23.1303) English technical and professional writing(23.1303)

  • 法语创意写作(55.1302) French creative writing(55.1302)

  • 法语写作(55.1301) French writing(55.1301)

  • 体育通讯(09.0906) sports communication(09.0906)

  • 技术交流(09.0908) technical communication(09.0908)

55.1304 - 法语修辞和作文CAN French rhetoric and compositionCAN

该教学课程包括任何法语语言和文学课程,侧重于修辞、作文、识字和语言/语言理论及其实践和教学应用的人文和科学研究。这些课程包括历史和当代修辞/作曲理论课程;书面、视觉和混合媒体文本的构成和批评;分析文化和跨文化背景下的扫盲实践;和编写程序管理。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature that focuses on the humanistic and scientific study of rhetoric, composition, literacy, and language/linguistic theories and their practical and pedagogical applications. These programs include courses in historical and contemporary rhetoric/composition theories; composition and criticism of written, visual, and mixed-media texts; analysis of literacy practices in cultural and cross-cultural contexts; and writing program administration.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语修辞 French rhetoric

  • 法语修辞和作文 French rhetoric and composition

  • 法语修辞和写作 French rhetoric and writing

  • 法语修辞和写作研究 French rhetoric and writing studies

  • 法语演讲和修辞研究 French speech and rhetoric studies

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 通信科学(09.0100) communication sciences(09.0100)

  • 英语演讲和修辞研究(23.1304) English speech and rhetorical studies(23.1304)

  • 法语语言文学(55.0101) French language and literature(55.0101)

  • 法语写作(55.1301) French writing(55.1301)

  • 识字和沟通技巧(不计学分)(32.0108) literacy and communication skills (not for credit)(32.0108)

  • 语音通讯(09.0101) speech communication(09.0101)

55.1399 - 法语修辞和作文/写作研究,otherCAN French rhetoric and composition/writing studies, otherCAN

该教学课程包括上面未列出的与法语修辞和作文/写作研究相关的任何法语语言和文学课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature not listed above that relates to French rhetoric and composition/writing studies.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 其他法语修辞和作文/写作研究 other French rhetoric and composition/writing studies

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 广告文案(09.0903) advertising copywriting(09.0903)

  • 英文写作(23.1301) English writing(23.1301)

  • 法语创意写作(55.1302) French creative writing(55.1302)

  • 法语修辞与作文(55.1304) French rhetoric and composition(55.1304)

  • 法语技术和商业写作 (55.1303) French technical and business writing(55.1303)

  • 法语写作(55.1301) French writing(55.1301)

  • 识字和沟通技巧(不计学分)(32.0108) literacy and communication skills (not for credit)(32.0108)

  • 脚本编写(50.0504) script writing(50.0504)

55.14 - 法国文学CAN French literatureCAN

该子系列包括教学课程类别 55.1401 至 55.1499。 This subseries comprises instructional program classes 55.1401 to 55.1499.

55.1401 - 法国文学,generalCAN French literature, generalCAN

该教学课程包括任何法语语言和文学课程,侧重于一种或多种流派、文化或传统的文学。这些课程包括时期和体裁研究、作者研究、文学批评和各种文学文本研究的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature that focuses on literature from one or more genres, cultures or traditions. These programs include courses in period and genre studies, author studies, literary criticism, and studies of various types of literary text.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法国普通文学 French general literature

  • 法国文学研究 French literary studies

  • 法国文学 French literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 古典文学(16.1200) classical literature(16.1200)

  • 比较文学(16.0104) comparative literature(16.0104)

  • 英国文学(23.1401) English literature(23.1401)

  • 外国文学(16.0101) foreign literature(16.0101)

  • 法语语言文学(55.0101) French language and literature(55.0101)

  • 法国文学教育(13.1325) French literature education(13.1325)

  • 人文、艺术与文学(24.0103) humanities, art and literature(24.0103)

  • 戏剧文学(50.0505) theatre literature(50.0505)

55.1403 - 加拿大文学,FrenchCAN Canadian literature, FrenchCAN

该教学课程包括任何法语语言和文学课程,侧重于加拿大从起源到现在的文学和文学发展,包括正式的和民俗的。这些课程包括时期和体裁研究、作者研究、文学批评以及地区和口头传统课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature that focuses on the literature and literary development, both formal and folkloric, of Canada from its origins to the present. These programs include courses in period and genre studies, author studies, literary criticism, and regional and oral traditions.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 加拿大文学(法文) Canadian literature (in French)

  • 魁北克文学(法语) Quebec literature (in French)

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 加拿大文学(英文)(23.1403) Canadian literature (in English)(23.1403)

  • 法语语言文学(55.0101) French language and literature(55.0101)

  • 法国文学和法语社区,法语(55.1404) literature of France and the French community, French(55.1404)

55.1404 - 法国文学和法语社区,FrenchCAN Literature of France and the French community, FrenchCAN

该教学课程包括任何专注于法国法语民族和法语社区的文学和文学发展的课程,从法语的起源到现在。这些课程包括时期和体裁研究、作者研究、国家和地区专业、文学批评和民俗传统研究课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the literatures and literary developments of the French-speaking peoples of France and the French community, from the origins of the French language to the present. These programs include courses in period and genre studies, author studies, country and regional specializations, literary criticism, and the study of folkloric traditions.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法国文学 literature of France

  • 法国文学和法语社区,法语 literature of France and the French community, French

  • 法语国家的文学研究(法语) literature studies of the francophonie (in French)

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 加拿大文学(英文)(23.1403) Canadian literature (in English)(23.1403)

  • 加拿大文学(法文)(55.1403) Canadian literature (in French)(55.1403)

  • 比较文学(16.0104) comparative literature(16.0104)

  • 英语语言文学(23.0101) English language and literature(23.0101)

  • 法语语言文学(55.0101) French language and literature(55.0101)

55.1405 - 儿童和青少年文学,FrenchCAN Children’s and adolescent literature, FrenchCAN

该教学课程包括任何法语语言和文学课程,侧重于儿童和青少年文学的学术研究,可以提高教师、图书馆员、出版商、书商和创意作家的专业工作。这些课程包括时期和体裁研究、作者研究、文学批评、各种文学文本研究、书籍艺术家和儿童电影的课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature that focuses on the scholarly study of children’s and adolescent literature and that may enhance the professional work of teachers, librarians, publishers, booksellers, and creative writers. These programs include courses in period and genre studies, author studies, literary criticism, studies of various types of literary text, book artists, and children’s films.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法国青春期文学 French adolescent literature

  • 法国儿童文学 French children’s literature

  • 法国儿童和青少年文学 French literature for children and young adults

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 青年图书馆服务(25.0102) youth library services(25.0102)

55.1499 - 法国文学,otherCAN French literature, otherCAN

该教学计划课程包括以上未列出的与法语文学相关的任何法语语言和文学课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature not listed above that relates to French literature.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 其他法国文学 other French literature

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 古典文学(16.1200) classical literature(16.1200)

  • 比较文学(16.0104) comparative literature(16.0104)

  • 外国文学(16.0101) foreign literature(16.0101)

  • 人文、艺术与文学(24.0103) humanities, art and literature(24.0103)

  • 戏剧文学(50.0505) theatre literature(50.0505)

55.99 - 法语语言文学/文学,otherCAN French language and literature/letters, otherCAN

该子系列包括教学程序类 55.9999。 This subseries comprises instructional program class 55.9999.

55.9999 - 法语语言文学/文学,其他CAN French language and literature/letters, otherCAN

该教学计划课程包括以上未列出的与法语语言和文学/文学相关的任何法语语言和文学课程。 This instructional program class comprises any program in French language and literature not listed above that relates to French language and literature/letters.

  • 说明性示例 Illustrative example(s)

  • 法语写作和文学 French writing and literature

  • 其他法语语言文学/文学 other French language and literature/letters

  • 排除项 Exclusion(s)

  • 法语写作(55.1301) French writing(55.1301)